Last Days Pt. I

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There were only a couple times in your life that you've ever been afraid of Peter Parker.

You could count them each like bag nightmares on your three fingers, and each time you thought of them you couldn't help but wonder how someone so sweet could so quickly be engulfed in an aura so unlike his own.

The first time was when you were freshmen in high school.

You, May and Peter were out for dinner. It was one of those typical school nights where you didn't feel like doing your homework alone and Peter didn't feel like being alone in general. You'd gone to this random burger joint/hole in a wall kind of place where the three of you ordered from the window in the door and then sat on the curb eating your burgers.

A man had said something, you never learned what it was, about May when you and her weren't paying attention, and Peter had nearly torn the guy's head off. It had been something sexist, probably degrading to May, and you could understand Peter's frustration.

But you couldn't understand how Peter had so quickly sprung up and punched the guy in the face so hard that he broke the dude's nose, cheekbone, and jaw.

The guy didn't press charges. He knew what he'd said was wrong and (in your own opinion) you had a feeling he didn't want to admit that a scrawny high school freshmen had beaten him up. It was freshmen year and though Peter was the strongest person you knew thanks to his Spider-Man capabilities, he still looked like a twig.

But that was the first time you saw a spark unlike Peter's as you'd had to put your suit on to hold him back from continuing to punch the asshole.

The second time was your sophomore year of college.

Maggie had dated an absolute loser, and though you, Zelda and Gracie had done your best to deter her from dating him, she'd been persistent in enjoying his company.

It all came to a head when she finally broke up with him, and he wasn't too happy about that - showing up at your dorm at three in the morning drunk and high off his ass and threatening to "fucking murder you, you crazy psycho bitch!" at the top of his lungs.

Peter just happened to be staying over that night, and Maggie had slinked into your room, shaking you and Peter awake as she whispered, "Peter, Kyle is at the door and he's threatening to kill me."

None of the girls knew Peter had superpowers, and so they were all surprised when Peter opened the door and Kyle came in arms up for a fight. Peter, with such poise and a calm look on his face, easily grasped Kyle by the throat, lifting him up into the air against the wall.

You stood there, unsure of what you were witnessing as Kyle struggled against Peter's firm grip. It was as if Peter was lifting a rag doll, just casually holding him up with a stern, relaxed look in his eyes.

"Did you threaten to kill Maggie?" Peter asked coolly. "Did you?"

His hand tightened around Kyle's throat and you whispered, "Peter. Stop."

"No. I want to hear him answer. Did you threaten to kill a human being?"

Kyle did his best to nod and Peter finally let him go. Kyle fell to the ground, gasping for air and heaving as Peter stood over him. He reached down, grabbing Kyle by his t-shirt and lifted him up, a vein popping out of his neck as he stared at Kyle with such intensity.

"You don't fucking say things like that," Peter seethed, "If you even try to hurt Maggie, or any of these girls, or anyone in the future for that matter, I'll fucking kill you myself. Do you understand me?"

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