Warzones Pt. I

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Neither you nor Peter went to classes that day.

Though you were both good students and you hardly let Avenging get in the way of getting to classes on time and getting your assignments turned in, this was death.

This was the death of maybe not a friend, but someone you'd both come to know in the past four years.

The small attack of whatever creature had landed on the surface of your planet seemed to wash away almost immediately as Peter fell down rather harshly onto the couch, face in his hands.

"I-I can't – go," Peter whispered through tears, "I can't. I can't see her ... like that."

"What happened? Do we know what happened?"

Peter shook his head, "I was – I was on your phone and – and the jail called," he sniffled.

"Okay," you nodded quickly, "Okay Pete, I'm going to go to the jail, alright? I'm going to make sure she's taken care of and I'll make sure everything is okay."

"It's not okay! She's dead!" Peter cried, looking down at you.

You were kneeling in front of him where he was sitting on the couch, trying to pry his hands from his face but he quickly threw them away to glare at you.

"She's dead, Y/N. She's gone. Forever."

"No one's gone forever, babe," you said softly, "They're always – hey, look at me," you said sternly, "Peter Benjamin Parker, you look at me right now."

You hardly ever said Peter's full name, and it frightened him slightly as you glared at him now with a set jaw and steely eyes.

"Are you listening to me?" you said sternly, causing the poor boy to nod.

"No one – not a single person in our lives – is ever gone. They leave the greatest of lives and memories behind and impact you far into the future. Look at all the lessons your uncle Ben instilled in you that you're still strongly implementing in your daily life. Ana is not gone."

"But –"

"Her memory is now a blessing you get to cherish," you spoke softly, carting your fingers through his curls.

This struck a chord with Peter, and he quickly shut up as he looked deep into your eyes. Your memory, even while you were still alive, was a blessing that Peter got to carry around with him every waking and sleeping second he was breathing.

A strike of panic tore through his chest as he thought of what his life could be like if you were to leave him unexpectedly, and the memories he would be blessed to then carry on.

He would never let that happen.

"She's not gone," you whispered, kissing Peter's forehead, "She's now a part of you and you have the honor of carrying on with her."

Peter nodded against your chest.

You stood as he clung to you, holding you like a small child might as you rummaged your fingers through his curls and let him cry.

You couldn't imagine the amount of loss Peter had had in his life, and this was coming from someone who had lost quite a few people as well. You wanted nothing more than to put Peter away somewhere where no one could hurt him, or leave him, and everything would be perfect and serene.

But this was the real world and you needed to make a trip to the jail upstate before having to be back for an evening debrief at the Compound.

And now you needed to get your homework from Liza, the girl in your seminar class who you were pretty sure hated you but was the only other smart one that you figured had half a brain cell.

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