Battleworld Pt. II

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The reunion of Scott and Hope was everything you had expected it to be. Hope walked up to him with purpose, a determined look on her face as Scott gasped, standing when he saw his wife.

"Hey! You're here!" he said excitedly, "You're - wait! Hey!"

Immediately he went from excited to angry as he shook his finger in Hope's face. "You shouldn't be here! The baby!"

Hope scoffed and rolled her eyes, pushing Scott's hand out of her face as she leaned in to give him a hug. Scott still looked distressed, but the longer Hope held onto him, the more comfortable he looked in her arms, finally closing his eyes and hugging her back, burrowing his face into her neck.

"The baby and I are going to be fine," she said, "Honestly. We're just here to get you, kick some alien ass, and leave."

Nat, on the other hand, was a bit more of a wreck.


She was pale, her long hair framing her face as if she were hiding behind it. She stumbled slightly, hands shaking as she reached out for him and nearly fell into his arms.

Her hands were on his forearms as he held her up, looking down at her quizzically.

"You okay, Natty?" he asked softly, watching as her brows furrowed, lip quivered, and she sniffled.

"Y-Yeah yeah," she nodded, "It's just uh ... it's been a while since I've seen you. I ... I missed you, Steve."

Steve smiled, "I just woke up next to you hours ago," he whispered softly, but Peter heard it.

Nat whimpered and collapsed into a hug.

Peter almost couldn't help himself as he listened in on all the conversations happening around him. It was so surreal, seeing all these people together again. It was almost like when they'd all been living together in Wakanda, strategizing when Thanos would finally attack again and how they were going to defeat him.

He remembered countless mornings where he, you, Groot and Shuri would go for strolls in the gardens together. He remembered countless training sessions he'd had with Quill, T'Challa, and Sam.

It felt like a family reunion, only he was then struck with remembering the last time you'd all been together like this - Steve's funeral.

Steve was ill for weeks after the battle. He'd been wounded so badly but wasn't dead and everyone was doing everything in their power to save him. Peter had been sure that his super healing strength would have sustained him back to his full health. But then, two weeks after Thor and Tony had died in battle, Steve finally passed on.

Peter wasn't sure if he could go through another one of those funerals.

"Peter," you said softly, resting your hand between Peter's shoulder blades as you walked up from behind him and he snapped out of his thoughts.

"You okay? You've been zoning out."

"M'fine," Peter nodded, "Just fine. Just ... thinking."

"Okay, well, do you want to come and listen to what everyone has to say? Scott has some info he wants to share with us."

Peter turned and looked at you, your eyes locking for a moment before Peter's fingertips found the palm of your hand.

We're going to die here, Peter tapped into your skin using your secret code. A scared look clouded his eyes as you gave him a concerned look.

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