why are al the kids talking about sex and moaning! i dont understand whats funny about it kids now adays thats all they talk about anymore it's....discusting that kids relate everything to sex. the other day when my friend want looking i decided to do a joke so i took her milk carten and put it on the bench next to me when she relized it was gone she looked around for it she said,"who took my milk!" i tookit out and said,"she needs some milk!" and gave it back but like the whole table kept saying to me "like tity milk!" and "milk comes out of a cows tits!" whih is not what i want to hear while eating just yesterday my friend noah was stirring his yogert and moaning. DISCUSTING. it doent just happen at lunch its on the busses, in classes, its everywhere! my aunt is considering homeschooling my cusins who are 6, 4 years old hey practicly know everything about it and there little kids! this has to stop i get that your dumasses think its funny when its not i hate that i walk to school and the first thig peopleare talking about is sex. me and my boyfriend are like one of the only two (not includeing teachers) who dont like talking about sex! out of 200 people only 2 people dont like talking about it thats pritty bad.i know some people reading this are going "you need to chill out and loosen up! its fun to moan and make sex jokes" hate ta breake it to you but no its not to some people. some people dont want to hear that! sorry i have to end this short but bye byee and i hope this opens your eyes somewhat