Nancy drew

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                                                    Page 2 of dethroned
Of something that happened to her a few months ago
I nodded as Ned opened the door for me and we stepped inside.Something that sounds kind of fishy,you said.
More than fishy, Ned counted as we walked into the seating area. It sounded like Portia could use the services of the one,the only.............
Suddenly a pretty,petite brunette stood up from her table and started over. Are you Nancy drew?
I smiled.I do a lot of snooping around,sure,but I didn't know I was famous at the university.I sure am.
The girl's face erupted into the hugest, whitest smile I'd ever seen. I'm Portia, she said Oh my God, Nancy,I'm so glad you came. When Ned told me he had a friend who investigates things . . . I was, like,This could be it, you know? You could be the answer to all my problems!
I glanced over Ned:What had he told this girl? Still, it was pretty flattering.
Um,Ned interrupted as I sat down at the table. You two get started, but can I get anyone anything? Personally, I could use a cappuccino. Ooh,me too,I said.
Portia bit her lip. Ooh, Neddie,that's so

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nice of you. But those have,like,four hundred calories. Can you just get me a Diet Coke? She asked, reaching over to touch his arm.
Ned quickly backed away. No problem. Two cappuccinos, one Diet Coke. As he walked over to the coffee stand, I realised what Portia had said: a friend who investigates things? I was sure Ned would have mentioned my being his girlfriend. He's about the most solid, stand-up guy you could imagine.
Anyway, Portia was saying, turning back to me. She had gorgeous dark eyes 👀
done up in a kaleidoscope of eye shadow, that seemed to latch on to mine when she spoke. I'm sure Ned told you I lost my scholarship.
He said you were having trouble paying for tuition, I replied.
Right. Well, the reason for that is I lost my scholarship. And the reason for that is . . . She paused, looking almost disappointed. Do you not recognise me at all Really?
I shook my head. 
Well. Portia sat up straight and sighed a little. The fact is , I was involved in a local scandal. You've heard of the Miss pretty Face pageant?
I shook my head again, but Portia still looked

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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