1 day before

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     I went home yesterday to find Octavia, with a boy. They were cuddling on the couch watching her favorite movie. I almost beat his ass right on the spot but Octavia got in the way. I could've killed him. But Octavia's big green eyes filled with fear stopped me. 

I've been sleeping here for the past three days. I felt bad for leaving Clarke there alone, but she insisted. Octavia is 16 she shouldn't be bringing boys home! 

I curse under my breath, I shouldn't have left o home alone for so long. I was just so worried about Clarke. 

I wait for Clarke outside, when she gets in she looks back at Octavia who's sitting in the back seat. Shes pouting. I smile to myself as I drive us all to school.

 My day goes smoothly I check in with Clarke every passing period, sneaking kisses as we part.

 During our off period we didn't sit on the bleachers, I drove us to my house and we made out on my bed all class. It was so different to be in my room instead of hers. Her room Is decorated and her bed is bigger. My room is empty, no posters or a desk, just a twin bed and a dresser.

 After school we all drive home in silence, Clarke tried to start multiple conversations with Octavia. She just rolled her eyes and looked out the window. I decide to hang out with Clarke for a bit but first I needed to talk with o.

 "Octavia it's been 3 days are you still not talking to me?" I ask when we get into the house. She shrugs her shoulders. "I'm sorry you can have him over if you guys stay out of your bedroom." I can see the joy lighting up in her eyes.

 "Also I'm going to be coming to check on you guys every 3 hours.." I say giving her my overprotective brother look. She sighs "fine.." I open my arms wanting her to come and hug me. She rolls her eyes and steps into my arms. 

"You have to be on opposite ends of the couch when I walk in got it." I say as she steps back. She mockingly salutes me "alrighty captain." She says falling onto the couch turning on the TV. I walk over to Clarke house. 

I don't bother knocking on the door. "Hey! Clarke I'm here! Where you at?" I say looking throughout the house.

 I hear the shower running. "Princess.." I say knocking on the door. "Its unlocked!" She yells through the door. I go in and strip off my clothes I step into the shower taking the sight in. 

"Damn princess.." I say giving her another run down with my eyes. Her perfect blond hair slicked back.. the water dripping onto her pale skin... god shes beautiful. 

I take a step forward lifting her face so shes looking at my eyes. She was looking me up and down like I was her.

 I grip each side of her face leaning down to kiss her, she meets me half way wrapping her arms around my waist. I grip her thighs lifting her up and slamming her up against the wall. She tightens her legs around me laughing. 

I tilt my head back letting the water wet my head. I look back at Clarke, "I love you.." I say kissing her.



      Bellamy couldn't sleep at mine again tonight. It sucks that he isn't here. It's hard sleeping without him, I had just gotten used to him being here with me, and now hes gone. I sleep easily though. Waking up to someone slipping into my bedroom quietly. Its Bellamy. "You came back!" I say happily as he climbs into my bed. "Ugh I missed you.." he says snuggling his head into my neck. I rub his back gently. "I missed you too." I say laughing. "Octavia has a boyfriend..." he says annoyed. "Is that why shes been upset? Because you found out?" I ask wanting to keep him talking, I'm not ready to go back to sleep yet. "Yeah shes been pissed at me since I found them together." He says running his hand up my shirt and laying it flat over my bellybutton. "Shes only 16.." he says exasperated. I laugh "I'm only 17!" I say patting his chest. "Its different you turn 18 in a week. She turns 18 in two years." I laugh some more. "What should we do for my birthday?" I ask hoping I'm not assuming to much. "I could take you to the fair?" He asks kissing my head. "That sounds amazing!" I say kissing his lips. I fall asleep to the sound of Bellamy's laugh.



    It's getting frustrating. I haven't spoken to Bellamy in weeks. He spends every waking moment with Clarke. I really just need to talk to him. I take another swig of the alcoholic drink in my hand. I should stop soon, I'm already buzzed. I leave the party that I'm at with Murphy and start walking to Bellamy's. His house isn't to far from here.

When I get there I bang on his door until Octavia opens. "Hey o! How's it going.. any chance your brothers home?" I slurred. She simply pointed across the street. "At Clarke's." She told me shutting the door in my face. Rude. "Thank you!" I call out throwing my hands into the air. I walk across the street to Clarke's. I bang on her door. Ahhhhh god what if there fucking!? Jesus am I jealous? I continue to bang on the door until a very tired looking Bellamy answers. He looks at me angrily. "Raven what the hell! It's late go home.." he said shaking his head. "No! You cant just cast me to the side! You cant replace me with-with her!" I yell gesturing inside. He looks at me shocked. "We used to be friends bell.. Good friends.. more than friends" I say shoving him. He grabs my hands. "Raven we were just friends. We've only ever been just friends." He say calmly with a look of annoyance. No. No. We were more. "We were more!" I yell. Before I know it my palm was connecting with his cheek. He looked at me with a look of pure rage. "Go home raven." He growls before slamming the door in my face.



    "Who was it?" I ask Bellamy as he re enters my bedroom. "No one important." He grumbles laying beside me. His back was turned to me so I couldn't see his face. "Bell.." I say grabbing his shoulder and tugging on him so he would look at me. "Clarke.." he says warning. "Fine." I mumble scooting as far from him as I possibly can. I lay there in silence waitin for him to say something anything. I feel the bed start to move. Bellamy is scooting closer with his back still turned. I put a pillow between us. He grabs the pillow and throws it across the room pouncing me. "Did you really think I pillow could stop me princess?" He growls at me pining my wrists to the bed. "I was hoping." I mumbled. "Nothing could ever stop me from getting to you.. rember that." He tells me. Something about his words catches me off guard. He was being honest. I dont know how I know, but in that moment i knew that he was being honest with me.

My One True Love: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now