Chapter Twenty-One

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My heart is beating so fast. I know that this isn't technically out first date. But its our first date after everything that happened three months ago. I watch as the numbers go up on the elevator until I reach her floor. I exit the elevator and walk down the hall to her room. My stomach is in knots. I knock on the door. The door swings open and there she is my girl. She's in jeans, a white shirt with knee high brown boots and her hair is curled perfectly.

"Wow." I whisper as she smiles.

"I wasn't sure where we were going. Is this okay?" She asks me.

"Its perfect." I tell her. "Oh here." I hand her a red rose. Her smile fills her face as she raises it to her nose to smell it. "Are you ready?" I ask her.

"Yeah let me just grab my purse." She states as she reaches around the corner grabbing her white purse. She exits the hotel room closing the door. I grab her hand and lead her to the elevator. As we enter the elevator she looks at me. "What?"

"You clean up nice." She tells me. I look down at my black shirt and blue jeans with my sneakers. I wear this all the time.

"That was sarcastic wasn't it?" I ask her.

"Kind of." She laughs. "So where are we going?" She asks me.

"It's a surprise." I smile at her as she rolls her eyes placing her head on my shoulder.

"I hate surprises." She whines. I laugh as the elevator doors open again into the lobby. I take her hand as I lead her out to my truck. I open my passenger door and hold it open as she climbs in. Once she is in I shut the door and take a breath walking around the truck to my seat. As I climb inside I look over at her.

"Everything okay?" She asks me.

"Yeah. Let's go." I smile at her as I drive off. As we drive a few miles north I park in front of a bar called 'Johnny Utah's' I get out walking around opening her door. As we both walk into the bar we hear 'Fake ID by Big and Rich' playing. I lead her over to one of the tables that is in sight of the dance floor. "What do you want to drink?" He asks me.

"Um, I don't know. A soda." She tells me.

"Okay." I smile as I walk to the bar. "Can I get a Pepsi and a Bud Light?" I ask the bar tender. A few moments go by and I am handed the beverages. As I walk back over I hand her the drink.

"Thank you." She smiles as the music changes to 'One Thing Right by Kane Brown.'

"Wanna dance?" I ask her and she shakes her head. "Come on you love this song." I remind her as I stand up holding my hand out for her to take it. I watch as she looks at my face and then my hand. She grabs my hand and I lead her on the dance floor. I spin her around as I walk onto the dance floor hearing her laugh. She turns putting her hands around my neck as we grind together as the music comes to an end. Everyone starts to clap as another song comes on. It's a slow song. I can see her standing there waiting for me to make a move. I recognize the song right away. 'Another Try by Chris Stapleton' I grab her by the waist and pull her close to me as we slowly move back and forth. She rests her head on my chest. I start to hum to the music I can feel her smile against my chest. I take a breath.

"the reasons I'm alone I know by heart, I don't wanna spend forever in the dark, I swear next time I'll hang on for dear life, if love ever gives me another try. " I sing, repeating the same verse as the song plays singing it into her ear. She looks up at me. "If love ever gives me another try." I sing to her. "Oh if love ever gives me another try." I finish the song as it draws out with music. I lean down and go to kiss her when the music stops and everyone claps. She turns away and starts clapping as well.

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