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you finally got to your house, you dropped your ass on the couch and sighed deeply. you removed your thick trench coat and pulled out the paper.

you examined it more to see if it's a hoax or something. you grabbed your phone and dialed it.

it rang for a few seconds until. . .


it's spinel!

good gods, you didn't think this is her number, you expected it to be dialed at pizza hut or domino's. but nOpE.

you gulped, "h-hey." you said, trying to sound cool. "who's this? how did you get my number?"

"a-ah! it's y/n from the cafe earlier. . ?" you wanna die at this moment, "oh!! heya! but how did you get my number still?"

"the girl you're working with the eyepatch gave it to me while giving my drink." you explained, you heard spinel hummed and mumble 'peeps why the fuck' silently.

"what made ya call? bored?"

"no. . . i— umm wanna hang out. . ?" dear zeus please kill me right now. you can feel the awkward atmosphere surrounding this phone call.

then you heard spinel giggle, "talkin' ain't your best trait huh? sure, we can, what time?" you looked at the calendar "is saturday 5PM cool?"

silence occurred for a few moments and "yep! see ya soon! imma get back to work now!" you smiled "yeah, good luck on speaking french." you teased.

"oh yeah, what did ya say back there?" you chuckled darkly, "figure it out yourself nattes." then you ended the call before spinel could question you.

you threw your phone to the side and placed your arms behind your head with a smile on your face.

this is the first time you ever have a genuine and not fake smile. what a turn over.


"momma?" you called out to your mom who's sulking on the table with a bunch on papers surrounding her, your mother raised her head from the table and looked at you.

"y/n." a smile crept up onto her face, the only thing that makes her day a little better is you. you went to your mother's side and tried to climb up, your mother carried you up to sit on her lap.

you grabbed one of the papers with your small hands and your other hand started lighting up with flames. your mother's eyes widen and lifted you up like simba to not let you set the papers or the house on fire.

"y/n, why are you using your powers?" you mother said as she lets you back down when she saw you extinguish the fire.

"i wanna help momma with work! by burning these stupid papers, you don't have to tired all the time!" you said confidently, your mother shook her head with a smile.

"i appreciate you trying to help momma but momma needs to finish these papers then we'll burn them, okay?" you grinned and nodded.



"what did you say?! say it again! i dare you!" you screamed at the bully who has a bloody nose and a burnt hand. you were held back by some teachers but were afraid to get burned because you're a fireball.

"what is all this?!" the principle boomed, you turned to face the principle. they have a stoic face but that didn't scare you, you put your fierce face on.

"miss l/n, (bully name) come with me." the principle ordered. both you and the bully walked to the hallways leading to the office, the bully kept their distance from you to avoid getting set ablaze.

the principle opened the door to let you two in, you sat on the right side with the bully facing you but avoids eye contact. as the principle sat down, they took a deep breath and said "tell me what happened."

the bully was the first one to speak "she attacked me for no reason! she deserves to be in jail for hurting me!" they accused, this made your blood boil.

"i only beat you put because you were talking about my mom!" the principle looked at you "what did (bully name) say about your mother?"

the bully was about to chime in but the principle stopped them "this minotaur poop said my mom is a bad guy."

"what kind of bad guy?"

"a slut." you blankly said as you glared at the bully, the principle returned their attention to the bully. "do explain why you know that such word?"

"my daddy said it's not a big of a deal when it's true." you gritted your teeth and you couldn't take it anymore, you jumped at the bully and set your hands on fire.

"you piece of shit! my mom was a hard working mother who did everything to give us a happy life!" you punched the bully across the face making it burn.

"until she's dead!" then they laughed.

you lost it.


you didn't notice that you've been staring at the floor for an hour, you shook your head and went to your room.

you sat down at your bed and opened the drawer, you pulled out a picture of you and your mother.

you smiled softly, you traced your fingertips at the picture and sniffled. your mother died from unknown illness and the medicine today aren't helpful in some occasions.

you lit your empty hand with fire, you looked at the dancing flames thinking is this really a gift or a curse?

you frowned and growled, you clenched your fist to extinguish the fire. you lightly put the picture back the drawer and went downstairs to grab your trench coat.

you left your phone and went out of the apartment as the sun slowly sets.

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