The Strong

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I told cat to tell the hokage that demon-san (I think that is how to do that correct) and if you don't know I'm demon-san. Me and naruto have been apart of the black ANBU black ops. We are the strongest and the youngest in it and the only person that knows is the 3.
    Today I'm going back. Cat came and told me to tell well me that the hokage needs me so that's were I'm going. I grabbed my stuff and walked into the hokages office to see team 7. What was really weird was a girl was in the hokages seat. She had long blond hair and green eyes.
    I walk to her and ask "where is the third?" She looked as if I was joking. "Are you serious, he died and you think it's a joke?!" I look at her if it wasn't for this mask she would see I'm confused. "Miss I'm not joking. We're is the third? Why are you in his seat? And why am I here?" She looked down knowing I wasn't playing. Kakashi came up to me and said "demon, the hokage is dead." I looked at him. No way the old man is dead?! No please be a trick, he was so good to us. He was like a father I never had. After I got here... He.
    My face turns cold. They really could only see my eyes but they were like ice. "I understand th-lady hokage what is the mission?" She looked surprised. Probably cause I didn't cry but I see no point in crying. She said "I need you and fox to go under cover. The reason he is not here is because he was a little tide up." Does she know about me and naruto?
    I say "I'm sorry but that would require me to show my face." She noded her head to she I was correct. I look at her then team 7. I said "do you know miss?" She looked at me "what?" She said "I guess you don't. Ok fox I know you can hear me so if you would like to take this mission please come forwards." Lady hokage was about to say something when Naruto steps up. I took off my mask and everyone gasped "it took you long enough Naruto." They were even more shocked that Naruto was fox. The two dummys were the stongest people in the village. We turn around and put are masks on. We both got bowed and said "we will take the mission." The hokage was shocked. "Naruto how? Why didn't you tell me?!" He looked at her and we both took are masks off. Both of us had a cold face. He said "I'm sorry lady hokage but it was the third wishes to keep me and L/n identity a secret." She was shocked at how formal he was. Kakashi came up to us and said "that's impossible I've worked with y'all for years and-" I cut him off "and me and Uzumaki were what stupid so stupid that you couldn't even train us. Well guess what you had the most strongest people on your team and you didn't even show us one jutsu." He was shocked and I felt a hard hit on my head. Naruto said "you may not speak to people like that. Do you understand."
    I got back up blood dripping out my nose. My mask cracked in have. I had a horrible smile on. I took my ku knife out and went faster then the 4th hokage to Naruto. I held the knife against his throat "if you dare hit me again I will kill you!" He then chuckled and through me on the ground. I pushed my foot under him and he fell too. It happened really quick and we got back to play. Blood all over each other's faces. The hokage was shocked. She said "what?! Wh-nevermind. I want you to escort Gaara back to the sand village with team 7." We nodded are heads and Sunshine's away. Well least we don't have to hide for a while.

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