I love you

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Gaaras POV.
I can't believe she is gone. This is my fault. I shouldn't have kissed snow back. It was reaction to kissing f/n. I-i know that's not a excuse but I want her back no need her back.
    I went looking for f/n she should be leaving today but I'm going to stop her.
F/n POV.
I was getting ready to leave. My heart hurts I miss him. Why would he do that to me. Why would he kiss that girl. I'm such a idiot I should have known that no one could love me. I understand why he would want more. I can't do things like most people. I can't wear anything cute really because of my scars. My face isnt pretty. I should have just stuck to my self.
    I was about to leave when I heard my name bing called. I felt a little bit of me wanting it to be Gaara. I turn around and it was Kankuro and Temari. My heart dropped but I still smiled. "Hi f/n I'm sorry about Gaaras." Temari said I just smiled and nodded. They gave me a hug and left.
    I guess I'm finally leaving good by everyone.... Good by Gaara. I was almost out when I heard my name again. I turn around to see Gaara?!
Gaaras POV.
I was running as fast as I could to find f/n. I need to see her and tell her I'm sorry. I need her to know that I love her even if she hates me.
    I found her! She is about to leave. "F/n!" I screamed she turned around. I ran up to her and hugged her. I felt tears fall from my eyes. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry f/n. Please forgive me. I love you so much please don't leave me please." I could feel here tears on my shoulder. "How do I know that you won't kiss another girl or worse!" My heart hurt.
    She doesn't trust me anymore and I deserve it. What she said next took me by surprise. "I understand why you don't want to be with me but please don't petty me ok." I was shook. She thinks it's her fault?! "No nonono this isn't because of you. I meet snow when someone slipped something in my food. I thought she was you." She tried to push me away but I held on tight "after that she made sure I was ok. I tried to get her to leave me alone but she wouldn't. When she kissed me I don't know why I kissed her back. I don't love her I love you and I know you might hate me after this and I understand I just wanted to tell you that I love you."
    I pulled away to see tears on her face. I wiped them away I hate seeing her cry. Before I could do anything she pulled me into a kiss. I kissed her back. She pulled away and whispered in my ear "I'll give you one more chance But please don't do it again I love you." I pulled her to me "I'll never do it to you again I love you so much!" We sobbed in each others arms.
    I remember the ring and pulled it out my pocket. I got on one knee "l/n f/n would you marry me... Again" we laughed and she said "yes." I love this girl so much. Please f/n never leave me I love you so much.

Sandy Heart (Gaaraxreader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now