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I need a break, some time to get stronger. Maybe Toloro could help. He has offered to help, maybe he will still train me.
    We were almost at the sand village. I could see the it in sight. "We're almost there." I said and Gaara nodded his head. The guard quickly let us in. Kakashi said "we should stay here for the night it would be best. We are all tired." Naruto nodded his head. Well that's great, I just want to leave.
    It's was dark now and everyone was asleep. Well except me and probably Gaara but we don't talk anymore. I just watched the moon in thought. Maybe one day I will be able to sleep. Maybe I won't have to have so much hate. I was so deep in thought I didn't hear Gaara come up behind me. He tapped me on the shoulder. I jumped ready for something to hit me but it was just Gaara.
    I asked "what do you want?" He looked sad and said "I'm sorry, I didn't know what happened to you. I just assumed and I'm really sorry." I looked at him with a really look. My eyes were a dark e/c so dark they looked dead and cold. I stared at him and said "I understand." Is all I said. He nodded and sat beside me. "What are you doing after this." He asked. "I'm going to leave the leaf for a while and train." "How long" he asked "about 3-4 years. I need to get stronger." He nodded "what about you?" I said "I don't know maybe ill try and be the kazekage. I want people too care for me and I for them and maybe just maybe that is the way to do it. I care for my village alot." I nodded and the rest of the night we talked about random stuff.
    It was time to go and we left. it was not hard getting back. No one talked to me and I didn't mind but what Gaara said. About wanting people to care about him and for him to care about. he might have a chance but me I'm alone and will always be. I guess I just can't stop it.
    We finally got to hidden leaf village. I went straight to the hokages office to be able to leave. I took my time because I'm a lazy person. When i finally get there (hour later) Naruto and some old dude was talking to the hokage. I go in and say "excuse me  but I have to talk to you lady hokage." They all looked at me and she said "go on." I go on "may you let me leave the village to train with my master." Naruto looked like he wanted to say something but didn't. The hokage asked "who is it and for how long?" "His name is Toloro and I will be gone for about 3-4 years." She looked destresed "I can't let my to best ANBU ninjas go!" I nodded and said "you can call for me any time but only for emergency. I wanted your promotion but even if you don't say I can I'm still going." She looked shocked and mad "are you ok defying me." I was getting annoyed "look if I don't leave now then I'm going to break and if i do this village is going to burn. I can leave or stay and destroy.this village but I guess you can choose." The old man spoke up "what makes you think you could even touch this village." I look at him "that is for me to know and you to find out. Soon I will tell you but first I need to learn control." "What are you hiding f/n" Naruto asked. I shook my head and looked at the hokage "I'm trying my best here lady hokage please let me go and I will come back better and stronger." She looked down and sighed "fine but don't threaten the village again or you will regret it." I nodded and left. Let my training began and let's pray I don't die doing it.

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