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Happy Easter people.
Easter special
Y/n POV. Age 8
I was on the ANBU today working a mission with fox. We were going to the hokages office when we see a huge sine saying "happy Easter"
     Huh it's Easter? We passed it and went to the hokages office. The 3 hokage was doing paperwork. We went over to him and reported are mission. When I was going to leave the hokage told us to stay. "Demon, I have a mission for you. I need you to join fox and protect the students." He said
    Why me?! Uggggg but I need to stay calm "why fox has it under control." He looked at me "y'all make a good team and you are a child. You need to learn how to make friends. Do you accept?" I rolled my eyes but he couldn't see because of the mask. "Yes hokage."
Next morning
    Today is the first day of school! I am walking in think how I should act. When I got in there Iruka (I think that is how you spell it) shouted for everyone to shut up. Everyone did and he introduce me "ok everyone we have a new kid her name is f/n. If you have a question please raise your hand." I stood in the middle of the room and hands shot up. I see a particular blond. He is staring at me is that fox? Next I knew he jumped on the desk and screamed "I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I'm going to be hokage believe it!" Yep that's fox. I remember what he told me he would say.
"Ok demon I will be the loudest kid in there so just look for that." I nodded
Flashback ended
I nodded to show I understood. Then I said "ok Naruto I believe in you and you know what I'm going to help you get to your dream!" I winked with a huge smile on my face.
   Everyone just sweat dropped. Everyone was think 'not another Naruto!' and that is how it all started. Naruto got close to the kids of the village became best friends while I was just friends with him.

Sandy Heart (Gaaraxreader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now