4 years later

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4 years later
Naruto POV.
It's been 4 years since f/n left and me and pervy sage came back a year ago. I want to get into contact with her but I couldn't. What happened if she is hurt and some of its because of me. I miss her, she use to help me. She was like a sister and not to mention Gaara asks how she's doing and I would have to write back "I don't know."
    I was walking down the streets of the leaf. Ever since they figured out f/n and me were head ANBU black ops they seem more afraid. Except Hinata she still is the most beautiful woman I ever seen. I looked at the stars to see someone flash by.
    I run after him/her. I follow them but loose sight "damn." I cursed under my breath. I then go to my 'home' but really it's a torn old place. Cracks and holes everywhere. I go to my 'bed' and sleep.
Time skip.
I woke up to go report it to lady hokage. I've given up my mask thanks to f/n. If it wasn't for her I would have had that forever.
'you miss her don't you kit'
'yes I do, but I will see her one day'
'i understand, ok I'm going to sleep. Good night or good day I don't know'
'what ever, lazy fox'
'i heard that' I laughed and kept walking. I walked to the BBQ place to meet up with the everyone.
    Kakashi was the last to show up. We all say down and ordered when someone say down. Its the person from last night! I jumped up and held a kunai to him/her throat. The person laughed and said "Naruto is that how you treat a old friend." Everyone was confused. The person took off there mask. My face went into shock "f/n!" I heard Kiba scream.
    Yes it was her but she was different. Yes she had cold e/c but now it's like ice and fire. She looked older now and stronger. Her chakra is hidden so I can't tell how much she has. She spoke in a monotone voice  "been a while, 4 years I think." The old hag said "why didn't you tell me you where back." She looked at her and said "been busy, just got here last night." "Where have you been you just disappeared for a while there." Sakura asked. F/n gave her a death glare "training with my sensei." She said. "Can I meet him." Asked kakashi and F/n nodded.
    We followed her out side. She did a summoning jutsu. A big dragon with black and red scales popped up. He said "why did you get me f/n." I could feel Kurama  shaking. The dragon looked at me and said "so your the holder of Kurama. Can you let him out please." I nodded but how did he know I took the seal off?
    I let Kurama out and Everyone was scared. Kurama was in a small fox form and he bowed and said "m-master how are you." I was shocked "master?! You didn't tell me about him!" I said he shook his head and said "i am his students until that night." I nodded understand what he meant by 'that night'. It was the night that Uchiha took control of him and my parents died.
    "Thank you for showing up. I just needed to show them that I wasn't playing for 4 years." F/n said. The dragon laughed "playing please, I'm surprised your still alive. I must say you might just be able to surpass me. So thank you little demon for proving me wrong." Kurama was shocked "you mean she has-" the dragon shook his head. "She has mastered the hardest jutsus. It would be hard for even you to beat her Kurama. Plus what she is, I'm surprised she hasn't destroyed this damn earth." I looked at him and asked "what power?" I looked at her and she looked at the dragon. He nodded and she looked at use. Her eyes turned black with red slits, like a demon!
Everyone looked scared and she said "I am the last living l/n. We were a quit clan who hide in the shadows. All of use died out long ago by the akatski and I'm the only one left. I looked down and whispered "I didn't know, sorry." She shook her head and turned back to normal. The dragon disappeared and we caught up with her.
    We were heading to the hokages office when Gaara walked up and waved. His eyes trailed to f/n. He walked up to us and said "your here!" She bowed and said "hello kazekage." He was surprised but keeped on and said "don't be so formal just call me Gaara." She nodded and we went on are day except Gaara tagged along. It was nice to finally see her again. I need to talk to the girls though. We need to hook up f/n and Gaara, they like each other and I know it!
'i don't think it's a good idea kit'
' and how do you know'
'I'm just saying, but whatever good night kit' I laughed
'night Kurama.
    Your POV.
I could see Hinata hide behind a corner blushing because of Naruto. He noticed and blushed but keeped walking. I need to talk to Gaara and some others. We need to get Naruto and Hinata together. They obviously like each othet

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