Chapter 4: Beautiful Nightmare

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Author's note: Is it just me or are there any other authors who spend more time finding the right music to write to than they actually spend writing? LOL
Anyway, after doing some reseach I found out the average chapter contains about 3000 to 4000 words, mine have barely reached 1000 so far(please don't hate me). I will try and make the chapters longer from now on. For my own sake, for the stories' sake and ofcourse for yours. Here's chapter 4, enjoy! (and also, reviews please? :D)


Used to share that feeling, dreaming. Gazing at the bedroom ceiling, oh now I lay here wishing you'd come home


She was startled awake, as she felt something repeadetly bumping into her leg. She was about to scream when she saw it was BB-8. Adrenaline still raced through her bloodstream and her heartrate was through the roof.

'BB-8! You scared me, idiot!' She yelled. BB-8 sounded like he was highly offended.

She looked around, flustered and desorientated. Had she really cried herself to sleep in the sand? She tried to shake it off and answered: 'You're right, I'm sorry. Let's go.' She got up letting out a groan and wiped the sand from her clothes and face. She would need to use the refresher as soon as she got on board, as the sand had caked to her face because of her tears.

She walked back to the ship while asking BB-8 to go ahead and fire up the engines of the Millenium Falcon. BB-8 beeped frantically.

'Yes buddy, I promise.' Rey sighed.

As she approached theCorrelian freighter, she slowed down and felt a pang of guilt in her heart. The ship was given to her by Chewbacca and Lando Calrissian, as a token of gratitude. Though it didn't belong to her. It never would. It belonged to.. him. She swallowed through another load of tears. She wondered if she would ever run out of tears for him. Probably not, she thought.

She urged herself onward and lowered the gangplank. She had just slept, but she was still bone tired and longed for sleep greatly. As she walked into the ship her feet felt like they were made of lead.


She had made her way to the cockpit and plopped herself on the pilot seat and let out a sigh. Wow, she really needed a good night's sleep. She sent a silent prayer to the Force begging for a quiet night of sleep. In vain, probably, as the nightmares were becoming so much worse. She didn't think that it was possible, but it was.

A high security long-range comm was installed aboard the Falcon. She attempted to reach Poe –who had been elected to serve as the new General- as she didn't know where the Resistance was based now. Luckily, he came in.

'If it isn't the hero of the Resistance. I'm glad to see you. What's up?' Poe paused, 'Rey, are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost!' Dameron's face was riddled with worry.

Rey smiled weakly, it didn't reach her eyes though. 'Well, you won't believe it if I tell you, but I actually did see one or two.' she replied. It dawned on her she hadn't properly smiled since Exegol.

'You WHAT? Do you need me to come get you?' Right. Poe didn't know that much about the Force, let alone Force ghosts. She didn't feel like explaining.

'No, it's fine. Never mind. I'll explain later' she sighed,

'Are you sure you're okay?' Poe was still very worried.

I most certainly am not, she thought, but she shrugged it off. 'Yes, I'm okay, I think. I'm about to take off, but some coordinates would come in mighty handy. Where are you guys?' Rey asked.

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