Chapter 2

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     You glare skywards. Something isn't natural about this heat, but you aren't going to give it the satisfaction of trying to figure it out.

     Still, you probably aren't going to get very far being unable to breathe, so you might as well do something. You steady your breathing, even though it feels like sucking campfire fumes.

     You begin chanting. You're going to need to brew the breath potion later or you're going to be hit with some nasty side effects, but for now you can draw the necessary energy from yourself. Immediately the air clears, and you gasp at the sudden ease of breathing.

     You'd better head back and brew that. The side effects will hit in a couple hours, but the sooner the better. Still, you walk slowly, savouring the sweet air. The weather sucks, but being a witch certainly has its perks.

     You're so preoccupied that you nearly don't noticed the heat intensifying. You do notice the flames licking at the branches overhead. You leap back and throw up a hand. With your link already drawn to the air, you call back the fire's fuel, and the blaze obligingly dies.

     But... where did the fire start?

     You sprint towards your hut, killing the fires around you. You hear a peal of what sounds like thunder, but you know it's your roof giving way. You burst past the ring of oaks and immediately recoil as flames lunge at you.

     Your eyes narrow. You can't save the hut, but maybe the fire can be stopped. Holding up your hands, you feel the sharp, pulsing heat, and pull the clearing's air towards you. The huge amount of gas resists, and then slowly slides in your direction. You bare your teeth in a strained grin as the fires die.

     Finally, blessedly, the flames are gone. You stand in the blackened ruins of your home.

     You fall to your knees.

     It's gone. Everything's gone.

     Your eyes narrow to slits. There's only one place the person who did this could live. Your face turns in the direction of the village.

What will you do?

Pause to think (Go to Chapter 5)

Search for the breath potion herbs (Go to Chapter 6)

Vengeance (Go to Chapter 7)

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