Chapter 11

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     The creatures must've seen something. You call out and wait for a response. Out of the underbrush comes a pair of tawny rabbits. You recognize them as the ones who took your cardigan, right before you recognize the cardigan they carry. One cowers, while the other deposits the shawl at your feet with bravado. "We were coming to return this, m'lady, but we got lost."

     Rabbits lost in their own forest. Yeah right. More likely they were going to keep it and make their nest cozier, but you couldn't blame them. You hold back a smile. "Thank you, but you can keep it. I've got—" Your face goes cold. You don't have anything. You draw a deep breath and smile at the rabbits. They flinch at the show of teeth. Oops. "You can keep it, but I just want to know if you saw or heard someone here."

     The cowering one's ears flick, and you focus on her. "What did you notice?"

     "We're very sorry, m'lady, but there was a large fellow here and you weren't home, so we didn't go in." The rabbit was shivering.

     Some prey animals will never get used to having a human around, no matter how connected to the forest. You crouch down to try appearing smaller. "Your help is most appreciated. Did you see what he looked like?"

     "He was a wolf," the braver rabbit said. "No ears, like you."

     You aren't going to get much more. They are rabbits, after all. "Thank you very much. You can go now." They disappeared into the underbrush before you were done speaking. You smile. 'No ears' from a rabbit means his hair covered them, so you're looking for a man with mid to long hair, either wearing a wolf pelt or just something grey. Or even red, with their lesser colour vision.

     Still, quite the beneficial chat.

     You consider what you'll do when you find him. Certainly, there are some answers you want, but after that... we'll see.

     Well, the only thing to do now is go to the village.

     You start walking. It won't take long, but you're a bit nervous. Someone could recognize you. Or notice your generally witchy vibe. You'll need to be prepared. You take a side path that will lead to a rocky overlook that has a clear view of the village.

     A dull ache builds in your chest, which at first seems like a stitch in your side but it grows until you notice. It's like what you felt earlier, sensing the amulet's disappearance. You consider it. Something's happened to your amulet. Your magic is still there, so it's not broken... it's more like the link is stronger.

     Hell yeah.

     You reach the overlook. It's a typical medieval(ish) village. Houses of stone and wood, a goat tied to a doorpost. Smoke rises from chimneys in gentle coils. Somewhere a baby is crying.

     Somewhere hides the asshole who burned your home, stole your amulet, and killed Papago. Pissing off a witch is decision he's going to regret.

     Still, you can't just march in. Or maybe you can.

What now?

Just march in (Go to Chapter 29)

Disguise! (Go to Chapter 30)

Sneaky (Go to Chapter31)

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