XLI: Epiphany

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Zelda's Perspective:

I woke up with Link nowhere in sight. I couldn't remember much from last night, except his lips against mine and the lapping of lukewarm water against my nibs. I couldn't help but briefly wonder if I had fallen for him so fast, making out in a hot springs...

I shook my head, combing my fingers through my dark hair. At least I had some time to myself. On the road, privacy was rare. I still wore my clothes from last night, all wrinkled from last night and clinging to my body with sweat. I pressed my hands down the front, trying to straighten the fabric to the best of my ability.

As I considered changing, I heard a light knock at the door. Link's knock. I felt my heart skip a beat but, before I could open the door (or even tell him to come in), the door was thrown open.

Link looked, well, happy. It was rare to see him so calm and joyous, because life had become pretty stressful on the road. His eyes glanced over me and he closed the door behind him. I felt my brows raise in confusion but he just smiled.

"Hey, beautiful," he said softly, striding towards me in a few large steps and grabbing my hips, connecting our lips briefly. I blinked in astonishment.

"Hey, yourself..." I murmured in response, a blush crawling across my face. What brought on this sudden affection? Not that I was complaining. His hands didn't leave my hips as he stared at me, smiling dreamily. "What brought this on?" I added after a moment. He bit his lip, considering what to say.

"I came to an... epiphany," he said, glancing down at his feet bashfully.

"And what was said epiphany?" I questioned, raising eyebrow. He considered for another moment.

"Zelda, I like you a lot," he said slowly, a small blush crossing his cheeks. "And, well, I've been worried about complications in our relationship but... I don't think those things will break us apart because what we have is so..." he paused, looking for the right word, before deciding lamely on, "... so good."

I smiled gently, standing on my tip toes to hug him, softly pressing my lips to his cheek. "I like that epiphany," I giggled. His hands tightened on my waist briefly, like it was a response to my words. He let me hug him before gently pulling away and  pulling my hand into his own.

"Daruk wanted to show you something," he responded offhandedly. I pouted. I didn't want to leave the privacy of my room, especially with Link in it. Before I could protest, he gently pulled me towards the door and outside.

Vah Rudania was almost the opposite of Vah Ruta. Ruta was large and brilliant, eye-catching. It's movements were fluid albeit slow because of the heft and size. Rudania was considerably smaller than Ruta, much shorter, although it still towered over my head. The movements were almost jerky, but they were quick, the strong metallic claws easily grasping to the rocky and steep sides of Death Mountain. The divine beast scuttled around the top of the intimidating volcano, it's large golden spine rippling in the bright light as its tail whipped from side to side. It moved like a lizard, quickly rushing around the tip of the volcano while the petals of the head opened to reveal the weaponry inside.

"Fantastic, isn't it?" Link asked, his grip tightening on my hand. I grinned and watched it in awe. While I hated the thought of Ganon's return, I couldn't help but find myself fascinated in the divine beasts.

The machine suddenly stopped, the pink gas freezing in its pipes and Daruk stepped out, tumbling down the mountain, curling up to protect himself. He unfurled at the base, beaming at me as he slowly walked towards us.

"So, what'cha think?" he asked, nearly dripping with pride. I grinned in response, casting wide-eyed stares at Rudania over his shoulder.

"It's amazing," I responded, trying to search for the right words. He shook out his white hair and smiled wider. "It's really fast, it's movements, I mean. You control it really well." He laughed.

"I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of controlling that thing," he said.  He patted me on the shoulder and dragged me into a tender hug. "Sorry you can't spend more time, here." I pulled away and looked up at him in confusion. "Link told me ya were behind schedule and have to meet with Revali soon."

I saw Link's lips turn into a small grimace, which he tried to hide with a cough. I knew Revali and Link weren't usually on good terms, but he was a good person, I could tell. "We ought to," I responded. "Thank you for the hospitality, Daruk."

"Of course!" he responded, grinning down at me sadly. He turned his gaze to Link. "Hey, don't forget what I said," he added, pointing a finger at him and frowning jokingly. "Don't let anything come between ya, ya hear?" Link blushed and opened his mouth to defend himself, but was silenced by Daruk's tight hug.

I could help but smile as we left. With our friends on our side... it felt like Link and I could face anything.


Real talk, are my chapters kinda shit or not? I dunno. I'm very tired, I was working my ass off last night so I could be eligible for Senior Projects.I'm not gonna go on and on, though. You know how it be sometimes. 

Also, fun fact: I have all the other chapters mapped out so... you have, like, 30 chapters left.

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