XLIV: Snide

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Link's Perspective:

Zelda was more powerful than I could've imagined. To think she could tame a dragon... I could hardly believe it, even though we were on Dinraal's back. I wasn't very educated on history but I knew enough about dragons from myths to get the gist:

Dragons have been around for more than millennia. They were ancient, intelligent beasts that spanned back as far as Hyrule itself. However, a long time ago, I didn't know when, they were extinct. Well, that's what the legends said. After that, they became somewhat of a legend, a mythical creature. I guessed they must have been hibernating or something in order to remain hidden all these years. It's been said, though, that dragons could sense danger and would return in order to protect themselves.

I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. My grip on Zelda's shoulders tightened a bit and she shifted against me, snoring softly as she lay her head on my shoulder. She must have fallen asleep some time ago and I must not have noticed.

I glanced around. I could tell we were close to Rito Village. The cliffs had become steeper and we were higher in the air, allowing me to glance over the edges of the cliffs. "Zelda," I whispered and shook her shoulder a bit. She opened her eyes lazily, a small pink blush creeping across her face.

"Hey," she murmured in response, yawning and sitting up straighter.

"We're almost there," I said, nodding at the cliffs around us. She blinked slowly, lifting her head off my shoulder to glance around. She nodded a bit, and yawned, redirecting her attention to Dinraal.

The dragon purred a bit, casting a glance over to us. She murmured something I couldn't quite hear and the ancient beast growled in response, dipping lower so we could see better. I glanced at the cliffs, able to make out the brightly-colored buildings that adorned Rito Village. "There," I said, pointing. I could make out the flying deck that Revali bragged about so often. Zelda indicated towards it, smiling sleepily.

Dinraal dipped lower, riding the air currents until we were on the outskirts of the cliffs. I didn't comment, helping Zelda slowly off the dragon's smooth back. "Thank you," she said gratefully, smiling warmly at him. He bowed his head, blinking once slowly before dipping below the cliffs again and out of sight.

"Why'd he drop us off here?" I asked, slowly beginning to walk towards the village, up the steep path.

"I figured Dinraal would freak people out," she responded and shrugged. "You know, with the symbolism of dragons and everything..." she trailed off, huffing as we struggled to walk the path. "Try to be nice to Revali," she added.

"What?" I stopped and blinked at her in astonishment. "He's a prick."

She rolled her eyes. "There's more to him than that," she said, giving me a warning look. "I've seen it."

"You may have seen it, but I haven't," I sighed. I took Zelda's hand slowly helping her up the path, although it had begun to flatten out. "I swear, every time I see him, he manages to act more like a bastard than last time. It's like he gets a larger stick stuck in his--"

"Link!" Zelda cried, glaring at me. I shrugged at her and rolled my eyes. She knew it was true. "That's an awful thing to say!" She huffed again, the path flattening out as we approached the village more so. It was still relatively early and the town seemed relatively quiet. "Just don't be rude, two wrongs don't make a right."

"Yeah, but two wrongs would make me feel a lot better," I sighed. We began to walk through the buildings slowly. Most of the village was still asleep, with the exception of a few soldiers milling about, who immediately bowed their heads as we passed.

The deck was quiet. We usually met Revali here, rather, I did. I knew he was up, albeit probably off galavanting. He wouldn't dare pass up the opportunity to sweep in and make a grand entrance, just to be smug about it.

"He's not here," Zelda said slowly. "Maybe we should go talk to some of the guards we--"

"Just wait for it," I sighed. She shot me a confused look, glancing around for a moment. She was about to respond when, right on cue, there was a sudden blast of wind that blew up from underneath the deck and the smug Rito appeared, landing gracefully on the rail of the deck.

His blue Champion's scarf billowed as he flapped his large wings, gently landing and crossing his arms snidely. Of course he decided to wear the largest bow he had on his back so he could show off.

The stupid pompus a--

"Impressive, I know," Revali greeted smugly. "Very few can achieve a mastery of the sky." He grinned, shifting his navy feathers and bowing his head to Zelda. "Princess."

"Revali, how are you?" Zelda asked, smiling. Damn her and her kindness. "How has been training?" I nearly forgot. For months now, Revali has been bragging about how he has been training intensely for Ganon.

"Well, my ability to explore the firmament is certainly of note," he said proudly, hopping off the rail to approach us. He tucked his wings behind his back, standing straighter. "But please don't -- pardon me for being so blunt -- please don't forget the fact that I'm the most skilled archer of all the Rito." He gesture at the village grandly.

"You don't say," I added sarcastically. It slipped out without accidentally, although he has said this a million times. Zelda kicked the back of my leg sharply. "Ow!" I mouthed at her. Revali scoffed at me and opened his mouth to respond.

"You never cease to impress me, Revali," Zelda interrupted grinning. "Now, where will we be staying?"


I am currently lying on my bed with dye in my hair. Graduation is on Monday and I wanna look semi decent for the pictures.

Speaking of, Revali is my favorite champion. I love him, he's such a snide bitch. Also, I stole some lines from a few cutscenes but like... my boi Ravioli is iconic. He's got some great lines, I can't not quote him.

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