I Think I'm Losing My Mind

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Peter had been living in California for 8 years and he was happy, physically you could see the changes as well. Before he was a small scrawny boy who was bullied, barely into puberty, now he was a tall muscular man that had the respect of his peers as being the youngest head of department in the company's history. He felt great feelings of accomplishment in his job and loved helping all the ocean life. It also helped that it came with a nice hefty paycheque at the end of it, he moved into bigger, nicer apartment pretty soon after being hired full-time. He was a Stark after all.

Whilst interning Peter often had to go on trips to other, bigger companies such as Oscorp to share ideas and to learn. Thankfully, he never had to go on a trip to Stark Industries but he wasn't particularly happy about having to go to Oscorp so often, especially as he had heard about their unsafe practises and how they cut every corner in the book.

It was on one of his first trips as an intern that he was touring the spider exhibit and was bitten by one of the test subjects. He was extremely ill for the next few days and when he woke up from his diseases stupor, everything was crystal clear. He could suddenly see in 2020 vision, this was surprising as one of the reasons for being bullied in New York was for wearing glasses. He suddenly had abs and he had grown by a few inches. Let's just say everyone was surprised when he went back to work the week after. He seized the new opportunity to become a superhero like his parents and became the San Fransisco's own spider-man.

He told the top mechanic, Dr Ben, and together they designed and built his spider-suit.  Before he died ina store shooting, Ben told him that 'with great power comes great responsibility' and 'that if you can do good things for others, you have a moral obligation to do those things'. Peter was very close to his mentor, Dr Ben, and when he died Peter worked extra hard to achieve his goals at the company.

Now, Peter hardly ever thought about his father but when he heard about the company being bought by Stark Industries, he was worried.
Would he see him?
Would he recognise him?
What will he say?

One of the main problems was that Peter, unfortunately, looked quite similar to his father at the same age. His coworkers even joked around and called him mini-Stark as a joke.
Last year at the Christmas party they drew the iconic goatee on him in permanent marker. Let's just say that everyone had to do a double-take whenever he walked by.

Peter knew that it was very unlikely that he would ever see his father but even still, he was nervous.

When he went into work the following Monday, he had a smile on his face. Today was the day that they would be implementing the new water filtration system. It was essentially millions of nanobots that attacked plastics and harmful bacteria.
However, what he didn't know was that a certain multibillionaire would be visiting to oversee the launch.
All through the day, Peter was confused about why everyone was running around so much more than expected. Occasionally he would see a flash of a suit or the reflection of some coloured glasses going around a corner.
Peter was pretty sure he was losing his mind.
His father wasn't here. Was he?

At 2 pm they gathered around the filtration station which was would deploy the nanobots into the ocean.
As he was the main scientist working on the project, he was the one to pull the lever (even if the actual lever was being pulled by the main team) and on top of this, the press was there as Tony Stark, his FATHER(!!!), was also there for the opening.
Five minutes later Peter was standing next to his dad who kept sending quizzical looks his way, trying to place him.
On the count of three, they pulled the lever and the non-toxic biodegradable containment gel was released into the water.
Everyone cheered and Peter shook his dad's hand and Tony led them off to the side to talk.
"Nice to meet you Mr.Parker. I just have to say I'm greatly impressed with your work on this project"

"Thank you Mr.Stark, it is such an honour to have you here, today. Honestly, when I heard you'd bought the company I didn't expect you to be here"

"I have to say you look familiar, have we met before?"

"I wish, but no I've never had the honour to meet you, sir."

"Please, call me Tony."

"Of course Mr.Stark." At which Tony chuckled and led them inside to chat more privately.

"Peter, can I call you Peter? How old are you, I could hardly believe how young you looked when I saw your file."                                                                                                            "My file?"                                                                                                                  "It's company procedure for me to look over employee files at the purchase of a small company, I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable but it is necessary. I couldn't help but notice your DOB was missing from said file"                                                                                                                                                "Oh, I'm 21, 22 this summer."                                                                             "Oh. That's young to be the head researcher. Well done Peter. Of course your intelligence hasn't rivaled my own.. what's your IQ?"

"Heh... oh umm, I don't really know?"

"Interesting, never mind. When we get to New York we can do a test." Tony said as he led Peter to the car.

"Okay.. Wait what!?" Peter exclaimed, stopping suddenly.
"I-I can't go to New York! I have projects! Loads of work to do.. Soo much work. Honestly I'm swamped."

"Likely story. Anyways, it's just a small trip. For a week.. think about it."

"Okay, let me stop by my apartment first. I need to pack some stuff and tell my mate."

"Let's go." Tony replied clasping his hands together and striding towards the latest Tesla.

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