I don't wear glasses?

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Peter woke up feeling nothing unusual. He took the stairs down to the common room. "Does that stuff come out of you?" Sam asked when he sat down. 

"No. That's gross"

"How are you so sticky?"

"I got bit by a spider."

"I've been bitten by a spider and I'm not sticky."

"It was a special spider."

"Like a pretty spider? Did it bat its eyes at you?"

"It was radioactive."

"Are you radioactive?"


"Someones happy this morning. Jeez."

"I'll have to explain it to everyone individually so no, I'm not." Peter was glad Mr Stark hadn't asked any questions even if he knew he was itching to.

Everyone started to file into the kitchen after that. Peter sighed and bashed his head on the counter. The Avengers (minus Vision and Wanda who were on a mission) sat down at the table, leaving the head seat for Peter, in which he sat it.

"Before we start, no that stuff doesn't come out of me like a spider and I was bitten by a genetically engineered radioactive spider. You can all ask questions clockwise. Tony?"

"How strong are you? It looked like it was mostly you doing the work with the vibranium cuffs."

"I can lift, maximum, a medium-sized building... Don't ask."

"What other...properties do you have?" Bruce asked.

"I'm sticky, strong, fast, light, enhanced hearing and vision. I'm incredibly flexible, I'm allergic to salt and peppermint and... oh! I don't have a brain."

"You don't have a what?!" Bruce exclaimed

"Well spiders don't have brains, they have groups of neural cells in my head as well as some other places."

"Fascinating." Bruce finished with. Peter suddenly opened his eyes.

"Four eyes," Sam said to a confused Peter.

"I don't wear glasses?"

"No, you have four literal eyes" Steve answered. Peter put his hand to his face and ended up poking more eyes.

"Scratch that. Eight. You have eight eyes." Bucky told him. Peter's eyesight was wonky. It was loads of different colours, moving around whenever someone spoke. He managed to close some and it changed again. It looked like heat vision. Cool. Two more closed and everything shifted again and it was purple, well violet. Peter closed the last of his eyes and reopened his normal eyes.

"Creepy. Well moving swiftly on. Miss Romanoff?"

"Who taught you how to fight?"

"My overprotective parents made me take self-defence lessons. My boyfriend also taught me a few moves."

"You're pretty good, kid."

"This is the greatest day of my life, thank you." Peter babbled before moving onto Clint.

"How do you stick to stuff?"

"In simple terms... I'm basically a magnet. But not just to metal. It's pretty much oppositely charged molecules within microscopically close proximity of each other creating attraction."

"Well that was way more sciencey"

"How fast can you run?" Steve asked.

"Fast," Peter replied and then sighed. "250mph sprint, around 100mph for longer distances." Sam let out a whistle.

"So Steve had no chance then." He commented.

"I wasn't even jogging old man." Peter laughed as he spoke.

"Who are your parents?" Bucky asked, "You never really mention them."

"That is suddenly personal, but sure. My dad's a scientist and my mum is in charge of a company." 

"Toit," Bucky said nonchalantly.

"Do I get a question? Sam asked

"No," Peter said curtly making the other Avenger laugh. "You asked questions earlier."

Tony's phone began to ring, blasting out ACDC back in black.

"Just a second." He told them. The group started talking as he left the room and a few minutes later he returned with a big grin on his face.

"Spit it out, Stark," Natasha commented eventually.

"Pepper's coming home early from her business trip to Tokyo. She lands early tomorrow." Tony told them beaming like a man fresh to love and not a happily married man of quite a few years. Peter, on the other hand, was as pale as a ghost. It was hard for him to be around his dad but his mum? Oh ho ho, this would be emotional torture. Peter excused himself, claiming that he would eat later and went to call Wade, to explain how royally screwed he was. His mum was coming home. The family would be unknowingly back together.

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