A frightening time

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The rest of the week passed peacefully as Peter followed his schedule of work in intern lab A in the morning and then after lunch he would work with Tony. He grew close to the avengers and Wade annoyed them but was also a form of amusement for the two assassins and Bruce who were fascinated by his advanced healing. Flash would still call Peter names and insist that he was a fraud whose parents had bought his way in, even if that was in fact what had happened to Flash. Tony was growing quite fond of Peter, less so of Wade but even so he thought of him as his nephew which he kind of was. He refused to see Peter as a son as his own son was dead because of him. Tony often had to be eased out of self-deprecating spirals when it came to Peter by Pepper who shared his sadness.

Peter was still unsure of how to reveal his true identity to his parents and eventually came up with an idea. On the last day of his days at the tower, he reprogrammed FRIDAY to recognise him as a Stark and to treat him as such. He set multiple protocols for the team and his parents to realise his true self without him giving a grand announcement.


Peter woke up on his final day at the tower next to Wade who was lightly snoring. He wandered down to the kitchen where the rest of the Avengers were already up surprisingly.

"Morning," Natasha greeted whilst Vision beamed at him, it was almost creepy but Peter supposed that he had been told by FRIDAY that he was revealing himself and greeted him with "Good morning young Stark! Is your father up?" Peter mentally slapped him, he wasn't quite going for a reveal this early.

"Not that aware Vis..."

"Vis, just cos Stark is nice to Peter doesn't mean that he's his son."

"On the contrary. Peter is a Stark."

"Oh yeah, he related to Jed- Edward. Not his son." Natasha put in.

"No, Peter Parker is in fact Peter Stark, son of Tony and Pepper Stark." Vision announced just as Tony walked in sipping his coffee which he immediately spat out in shock.

"Are you malfunctioning, getting your files mixed up. Peters dead." Tony gritted out the last sentence.

"You are wrong sir! Peter is right here."

"Hi, Dad," Peter said timidly as the rest of the team just stared at him in shock. They didn't know Tony had a son until he had brought it up talking to Peter this week and they were even more shocked to discover that Peter was his son.

Tony just sank to his knees and bowed his head. He didn't know what to say or do. His son wasn't dead. Finally, his body started to catch up to his mind and floods of tears ran down his face. Peter just watched sadly.


Tony and the Avengers sat around Peter as he started to try to explain. Wade was sat beside him and kept giving him supportive looks.

"When I was 13, I ran away. I was on the run for a few months from mum and dad and eventually, I met Wade who was 14 at the time. It was tough to run so we decide to fake my death. The person you saw get shot was Wade and I was the one who shot him. I moved to San Francisco with an MIT scholarship and online classes. I interned at the coastal science lab for a few hours every day and that's where I met Ben Parker. Uncle Ben. He was so kind and it was him who I told when I got bitten. About a year before I did get bitten, Wade and I moved in together. Ben helped me to make my first suit and I became the friendly neighbourhood spiderman. Later Wade and I moved into our current apartment later on and he started to work for SHIELD as Deadpool. I created KAREN for my suit and made more suits." Peter looked to gage his father's reaction but he couldn't look him in his eyes. "I missed you so much and yet, I never regretted it. I would never have my own achievements, I would have always been a Stark. Proud, arrogant and intelligent. I loved how I had to work my way up. I love my life but I still love you, dad." This made Tony look up at Peter. His eyes wet with tears as he surged towards Peter and pulled him into a hug to whisper in his ear.

"Welcome home, son."

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