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Peter sprinted down the hall and up the stairs as soon as he was out of earshot. He slammed his bedroom door open and collapsed against it. With shaking hands he took out his phone and pressed the button to call Wade. The line dialled twice before he picked up. Hearing the comforting "Hello baby-boy, how are you?" Peter started sobbing, the years on pent up sadness of missing his parents flooding back. "Pete are you okay? Peter?! What's going on!?" Peter's body was wracked with sobs, he could barely hear Wade on the line but he managed to stutter out "She- she- she's coming home."

"Who Pete?

"M-m-mo-mu-mum. Mum."

"Oh. Pete, baby. It'll be alright. You're only there for a week. You're nearly home. Remember I said I'm coming over tomorrow?"

"Ye-yeah-yes, please. I miss you."

"I miss you too. Will you be alright?"

"Yes, go. I love you.

"Love you too."

The call ended and Peter calmed down. Ony a few tears graced his face after talking to Wade. HIs boyfriend always seemed to have a calming effect on him. Perhaps it was a spider trait?


Peter returned to the common room a few minutes later.

"Hey, kid. You good? How's Wade?" Tony asked, concerned for his mentee who he had already gotten an unusual attachment to.

"Yeah, I'm good. He's good. We're all good."

"Cool. Don't suppose I can steal you for today or are you adamant about going down to intern lab A?"

"Pretty adamant. It's fun."

"Well if you're going down you better head now or you'll be late."

"Shi-zzle" Peter barely avoided swearing. Better to avoid Cap's annoyed 'language' even if he was mostly joking. Tony laughed and clapped Peter on the back as he moved to go down to the intern labs.

"Have fun, kid."

"I'm 21!"

"I don't care. You look 16."  Peter was too polite to give Tony the bird as the doors closed but mentally it was there.

( '・・)ノ(._.')

Ned was waiting for Peter in the labs, keeping an eye on the door. He was more than surprised when he saw the Avenger's elevator open and Peter steps out. Peter came over to Ned and greeted him with a joyful 'morning'. He was seemingly oblivious to Ned's slacked jaw until Peter asked why he seemed so surprised.

"You just got out of the Avengers elevator?!"

"Its the only lift?"

"No, it isn't. There are the normal lifts for employees and the private lift for people with Avengers level access. That's level 7, we only have level 3. How??" Ned was very excited and confused, had he exposed a conspiracy?

"Dude come here.." Peter told him, motioning in for Ned to whisper. "You can't tell anyone but in I'm staying in the tower as a guest, I have level 8 access and after lunch, go to intern with Mr Stark." 

"Dude that sounds like two truths and a lie except for they are all believable lies that make me want to believe you sooo much. And I do believe you." Ned half-whisper shouted.

"Dude, voice. But cheers."

"Have you met the Avengers?"

"Yes, they're total dorks."

"I wonder what the Avengers are like normally?"

"Well actually-"

"Like puny Peter would know the Avengers?!" Flash interrupted with an arrogant smirk.

"Eugene I've known you for half a day. Why do you hate me?"

"Well, where do I start. Hogan said you'd soon move up like you had connections and didn't have talent. You get here late like yesterday or barely on time like this isn't important, like seriously? Yesterday you left early with no explanation, yes SI working hours are flexible but it was your first day! Ugh!" Flash was full-on ranting at Peter while Peter just looked bored.

"You don't know me Eugene. I don't need your opinion." Peter then turned to Ned and they strolled over to Peter's workstation and started discussing his work.

"It's Flash, dipshit!" Flash yelled at them which only caused Peter to chuckle and Flash's anger to grow.

Peter and Ned started to work on Peter's blueprints, Ned mostly just nodding along to what Peter was saying. Ned had graduated at the top of his class at MIT but the science jargon that Peter was saying was possible doctorate level.

(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

Peter said goodbye to Ned and MJ who had come in later after being at the doctor's. He watched as Flash huffed and laughed at his attempt to go to the Avenger's lift but simply huffed when it opened for him. 

Peter spent the next few hours tinkering in the lab, doing some system upgrades to the ironman suit and Tony offered some suggestions for improvements to the spider-suit. They had fun and when it was time for dinner the team ordered Thai in celebration of Vision and Wanda returning from a mission and Peter smiled through explaining who he was and his powers. He set up a few mental walls incase Wanda tried to read his thoughts but luckily she didn't. 

The team watched a movie until late in the evening 'Jurassic Park' and Wanda was quickly asleep on Vision for the majority of the movie. Peter's own consciousness was slipping from his grasp and found that he stumbled quite a bit on the way back to his room.

( ̄_, ̄ )

Peter woke to the sunlight drifting through the windows, the blinds drawn only half. Laughter drifted up in the vents to Peter's room and he remembered that all the most important people in his life would be in the same building, nay, room.

He scrambled to get ready and rushed into the elevator.

"Pep, this is Peter," Tony announced when Peter walked up to the group. It consisted of Tony, Wanda, Pepper and Natasha.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs Stark." Mentally Peter was screaming. His mother hadn't aged a day since he last saw her eight years ago.

"Peter you look familiar. You look like Tony..." Pepper trailed off, a tear forming in her eye.

"That's because he is related to Edward," Wade announced as he swung in through the window clad in his Deadpool getup.

"JEdwArd??" Clint screeched as he swung out the vents.

"Edward? Also, who are you?" Natasha asked as she aimed her gun at him.

"Deadpool, Wade Wilson, Peter's boyfriend. Edward Stark, Howard Stark's brother?" Wade explained as Peter shot him a thankful look when he took his mask off.

"You never told me we were related?" Tony questioned and Peter's eyes went wide.

"I forgot, to be fair it's been a hectic few days."

Pepper smiled as Peter sadly and turned away to whisper something to Tony that Peter easily picked up as "He reminds me so much of our Peter, Tones.". Pepper then turned back around.

"Tell me about your parents Peter, I didn't know Tony had any other family on that side of the family."

"Well, umm... I have a very complex relationship with my parents... They don't know I'm alive? But I've been in contact with them accidentally through my job so I don't know what's going to happen."

"They don't know you are alive. Your father?"

"No, both. There was an accident when I was 13 and they lost their memory of me..."

"Oh Peter, I'm so sorry. Tony and I lost our son 8 years ago. We miss him every day." She turned to Tony who nodded sadly. Peter just smiled awkwardly and decided that he would tell them who he was eventually. At the end of the week. After that, well he didn't know what.

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