Hi Matt!

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"-ck!" Tony yelled. Peter ignored him and started looking for the keys. He gave up looking after he decided that the goons were probably not trusted with them. He wandered around, going to Natasha first and snapping her cuffs, then Bruce, Clint and Sam. He left his father until later. He walked up to Steve and yanked on the cuffs, unsurprisingly they didn't move. He told Steve to help him and they pulled together, the cuffs barely moving until Bucky joined in, his hands still behind him. The cuffs finally snapped and Steve stood up, rubbing his wrists and they went to free Bucky. The cuffs snapped after a few minutes again and Peter sighed and went to move towards Tony who muttered a finally which Peter only heard because of his super-hearing. He quickly snapped them and stood up, moving away from the Avengers.

"At least I now know how you beat me this morning," Steve said with a chuckle.

"Peter, why didn't you tell us?" Natasha asked she was very surprised. She was a human lie machine and Peter had told nothing but the truth.

"What do you expect? I met all of you yesterday, my identity is secret for a reason. I'm not just going to tell anyone." Peter replied he was slightly angry. Why couldn't they just thank him?Ugh. "So why did you save us? Reveal your identity?" Tony interjected, he thought that there was something odd about Peter but a vigilante was not on his radar. "Umm... My dad cares about you guys. And I love him. So... Also how many people can say that they saved the Avengers?" Peter replied, he saw Natasha assessing him, wondering if he was lying.

"True." Sam agreed, that was me when Steve knocked on my door, "I get to help Captain America? I couldn't believe it." Steve and Bucky chuckled in remembrance.

Peter looked off distracted until he spoke: "FRIDAY, tell Wade that the web is out of the butt."

"Of course, relaying the message through KAREN." Tony looked at him incredulously, 

"What did you do to FRIDAY?" 

"Nothing much. Integrated my own AI into her system and gave her a few upgrades."

"How? FRIDAY is virtually unhackable, it would take someone smarter than me!"

"Well, there's your answer then," Peter replied sassily and Sam laughed.

"Wade would like to inform you that he is surprised you lasted this long as you are terrible at keeping secrets. He is also saying that he is coming for a visit in two days with your fa- ncy boss's blessing."  Peter looked at Tony who gave a nod, the colour back in his face.

"Yeah that's great, tell him I miss him and I'll call him later."

"Of course Peter." Tony went up to Peter and clapped his hand on his back, 

"How about we go down to the lab, you can show an old man how its done, eh?" 

"Sure, Mr Stark." They headed out and the elevator door opened revealing SHIELD agents who went about taking the goons away.


Peter and Tony had been working for hours when FRIDAY announced that it was time for dinner. They begrudgingly went up to the common room and ate dinner. It was spaghetti carbonara made by Sam. It was, in Peter's humble opinion, delicious. Peter glanced at the time after everyone and excused himself to bed. He needed to go and meet Matt, Daredevil.

Peter walked into his room and changed into his spider-suit. Well the one he had brought, he had several. This one was the most simple with the iconic blue and red design. He told FRIDAY to open the window and got ready to jump out. Unbeknownst to him, FRIDAY had informed Tony and the Avengers that Peter was about to jump out of his window. Tony looked up panicked and everyone's head snapped to the window as a blue and red blur fell past. They all got up and ran to the window to see Peter use a web and swing away to Hell's Kitchen. The team just sighed and cleared away, turning in for an early night.

( •_•)>⌐■-■

Peter had just arrived at Hell's Kitchen when he saw Matt emerge from the shadows ominously. "Hi, Matt!"

"Hello, Peter."

"Sorry about last night, I got caught up."

"It's fine. "

Peter and Matt sat on the rooftop for a few minutes before heading out to patrol and stop some crime. Peter was having the time of his life. He had missed the NYC streets and they were even more magnificent from the air. He let out a long whoop as he swung past some people. It was getting late and Peter was still full of energy. Matt had retired for the night and Peter swung back to the tower. 

He changed quickly and collapsed onto the bed, energy fizzing through him. His spider bite suddenly jolted him with pain and he swore. It only hurt when he got a new spider characteristic. The salt thing had come through last year and the year before that was the hollow bones. Jeesh, he wondered what he would wake up with.

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