Home sweet home?

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Peter was finally home, even if his father wasn't aware. He swung his bag over his shoulder and walked down the steps, following his mentor/boss/dad. A man came out to greet them, someone Peter immediately recognised as an old Happy Hogan.

"Hi, Happy!" He called out excitedly before realising his mistake. Shit. 

"Hello, Mr.Parker." Happy replied confusedly, how did this kid know his name. He was in the news with Tony but most people didn't know who he was.

"Kid, how do you know Mr.Grouchy over here?" Tony questioned.

"I've seen you on the news loads Mr.Hogan. Sorry if that was too informal, sir." Peter tried not to forget the manners his mother had instilled in him but he was just too excited to care when he saw Happy.

"Don't sweat it, kid. Happy is fine, don't call me Mr Hogan or sir." This kid looked familiar but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Okay, Mr Happy," Peter replied earnestly earning a chuckle from Mr.Stark and a sigh from Happy.

"If you follow me, I'll give you the tour. Should I make him a pass or should I get a DNA pass put in, Tony?"

"DNA, defo. If your anything like me, you'd lose the pass within a week." Tony joked, laughing a little.

"Got it," Happy replied ticking a box on his clipboard, "Which room is best? Mr Parker, any preferences?" Peter thought for a second before replying, he needed to protect New York as spiderman and meet up with Matt later so he thought it would be best to go higher up. "I like the view so I wouldn't mind being higher up." He told Happy.

"Warning, Clint and Scott are having a prank war, so only go into the kitchen if necessary." FRIDAY's Irish voice filled the space, Peter didn't flinch much to Tony's surprise, most people jump out of their skin the first time they hear FRIDAY speak. "Cheers FRI," Tony replied. 

Tony led them into the private sleeping quarters, sparing a quick glance towards a locked room, not even the Avengers knew what was in there, before showing where his room was and showing Peter his room next to the locked room. Peter put his bag down near the door and walked over to his bed. It was a similar layout to his old room. Behind him, he didn't notice Happy going to carry his bag over to his bed until he exclaimed "Jesus Christ! What you got in here? It weighs a ton!"  Peter quickly hopped over and picked the bag up with ease and put it on the dresser, leaving Happy gaping a little. "Your getting old Haps," Tony commented, patting Happy on the back and chuckling, Peter joined in but the bag was super heavy, he just forgot how heavy with his super strength. To him, it felt like a bag of feathers. "Well, we'll leave you to unpack, dinner's at six," Tony stated before taking him and Happy out the room leaving Peter alone.

"Hi, FRI," Peter said to break the silence,

"Hello Peter, I can unlock your old room if you'd like," FRIDAY replied when she saw him gazing out the window. "Yes please FRI" Peter replied as he walked over to the door and into his old room before gasping. Nothing had changed. Star Wars posters still littered the walls, signed, and a half-completed lego death star lay on the desk. A layer of fine dust coated everything. Peter quickly left. "I feel like I'm visiting my own grave FRI."

"Technically, Peter, you are," FRIDAY replied solemnly.

"You know what, FRI? I'll strengthen your code, introduce you to KAREN."

"KAREN? Have you replace me. But that sounds very nice."

"Not replaced, she's your sister," Peter replied as he pulled out his laptop and put it on to charge. He opened up FRIDAY's coding and FRIDAY let him as he strengthened her coding that Mr.Stark had done.

It had been a few hours when FRIDAY alerted Peter that it was time for dinner and that he should head down to the kitchen. Peter headed down to the kitchen, his memory flooding back to him with each turn. He made it to the kitchen and common area without a wrong turn and stopped at the door. That had changed. It used to be a small family dining room was now next to a banquet table with all the Avengers gathered around it, two chairs free. In the next second his spidey sense tingled, telling him to duck as Clint had snuck up behind him and attempted to shoot mash potato into his hair. Peter ducked, just missing the potato and turned quickly.

"Ah sorry, thought you were Stark." Clint walked past him before turning around and shouting "Intruder!" which spurred the other Avengers into standing up, reaching for the nearest weapon and promptly pointing it at Peter. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" Captain America asked him. "I'm Peter Parker, Mr.Stark told me to come here at six for dinner," Peter replied nervously, the Avengers frowned at him, they were used to people freaking out at them, but internally Peter was freaking out. "Its true, guys, Peter. Peter, Avengers" Tony came up behind Peter, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "He's staying here for a few weeks so don't be rude." Peter sat down in an empty seat next to his father and Black Widow.

"Quick reflexes there, Peter. Clint never misses." Natasha commented, she was surprised but was waiting for Peter's response to formulate a plan. "I didn't, I just moved my head and saw the potato fly past Miss Black Widow," Peter replied he knew how to respond to everything that Natasha might ask him. "Please call me Natasha, Peter." Natasha was satisfied with his answer and nodded to Cap. "Yes Miss Natasha" Peter replied, earning a few laughs from around the table. The elevator dinged and a bot came in, carrying around 50 pizzas.

Everyone took a pizza, Bucky and Steve took three though. Peter was cautious enough to only take two pizzas, he didn't want to expose himself as advanced. Everyone chatted throughout the meal and Peter mostly kept quiet until Bruce asked him a question.

"So Peter, you look familiar. Where have I seen you before?" At this Peter panicked, he was sitting next to his father. Luckily Tony replied, "He was Science Fair's scientist of the month." Bruce sighed in recognition. "What did you do, I read the article, but remind me please."

"I was the lead scientist on the ocean clean-up campaign and I developed the nano-bots that are currently collecting plastics, oil and other debris in the ocean. It's not that interesting really." Peter replied sheepishly, he hated talking about himself.

"Nonsense, Peter, that's really interesting, perhaps you could show me your ideas later."

"That would be amazing Dr.Banner. It would be an honour to work with you. Honestly, it's an honour to talk you at all..." Peter trailed off, realising he was rambling.

"How come I didn't get this reaction?!" Tony said incredulously.

"You're Tony Stark, but he's... Bruce Banner! We had his picture in my old science classroom and in the old room of inspiration at my work." Bruce blushed, mostly people just wanted to see the Hulk but someone knew his works and admired him! It was great!

They finished the meal and asked Peter what film he wanted to watch, to which he replied The Empire Strikes Back. He didn't miss the sad look that flashed across his dad's face and they all sat down for that film.

Peter enjoyed the film but excused himself just before the end as he would have usually fallen asleep on his dad. Not today Satan!
Peter got ready for bed and promptly fell asleep.
Everything felt so familiar and he couldn't help but think that he was home.
Home sweet home?

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