Wade... Tony Stark, my boss

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Peter and Tony exited the car outside a large tower block, the top floor easily 30 floors up.  Peter entered the building with Tony trailing behind him and got into the elevator, pressing the 32 button and waited as the mindless music filled the space, the floors dinging every few seconds. Finally, the elevator stopped and Peter headed over to an elevator door with a key instead of the call button.                                                                                                                                                                                "What, got a private elevator? I've got one of them." Tony stated as Peter inserted his key and the door opened.                                                                                                                                                                            "Uhh, yeah. Top floor." Peter replied uncertainly, he wasn't quite sure how to reply to anything his father said. Question or not.

They stepped out into the penthouse and Tony stopped short.                                                                        "Look, kid. Peter. Aren't you on a scientist wage? That's not much for a small company, how did you afford this. Did you rob a bank or some shit?"                                                                                                  "Heh" Peter responded earning a quizzical eyebrow from Tony. He wasn't quite sure how to tell his dad that he lived with his boyfriend and kind of ex-merc Deadpool.                                                       'Shit, this kid didn't seriously rob a bank did he??' Tony thought panicking.

"HEy WaDE! We have a visitor!" Peter yelled and in response, a half-dressed man hurtled through the room and jumped him... sexily.  "Get off you oaf! Did I not just say viSiTor you ass!"     "Awww, baby boy, don't you love me?" Wade replied unlatching himself and sulking before immediately brightening up, "Tin can!" he exclaimed                                                                                           "Yes... Wade... Tony Stark my new boss" Peter stressed the word boss, not wanting Wade to spill the beans as he gestured between them.                                                                                                                    "Well now that introductions are over, Peter, if you wouldn't mind packing a bag quickly, we have a flight to catch." Tony interrupted, smoothing down his uncrinkled suit.                                                   "Sure, but I thought that the whole point of a private jet was that it's meant to wait for you..." Peter replied sassily as he wandered into the master bedroom to pack a bag.                                          "What! WHy are you packing? Where are you going??? PeTEr????" Wade screeched after him.           "He's coming to the tower for a few weeks. He's bright and SI likes to nurture that intelligence." Tony replied, rattling out a pre-prepared speech in case he had to deal with parents.

"Got it," Peter said, walking towards the door holding up the bag with one hand, "Let's a go!" Tony smirked at the phrase but allowed Peter to lead him out the door after he (Peter) received a quick kiss and a goodbye.

"So uh boyfriend, huh?" Tony awkwardly commented as the lift descended.                                            "Hmm? Oh yeah. He's a pain in my ass..." Peter replied chuckling.                                                                  "How long have you been together, what does he do?" Tony asked while mentally screaming, he was an internationally renowned billionaire but something about this kid made him feel ... off.      "A few years, he was military, special ops. He's the reason we can afford the penthouse. I didn't rob a bank" Peter explained when the doors opened and Tony unlocked the Tesla and they got in. The car started soundlessly and they began the journey to the airport. Peter would be concerned with how little Tony was looking at the road if he didn't know that FRIDAY was controlling the car.                                                                                                                                                                 "Well, that's good, I've hired ex-convicts but I feel like that would be pushing it" Tony joked, turning towards Peter, only turning back when Peter coughed auspiciously.                                            "I know FRIDAY is driving, but to avoid us being pulled over..." Peter explained.                                      "Most people call me a crazy bastard before letting me explain. How did you know FRIDAY was in control and I wasn't just a rich ass?" Tony asked, faking interest in the road ahead.                               "Well I don't know about you being a rich ass, but the car has turned multiple corners autonomously, I'm pretty sure that FRIDAY is more than capable of driving a car." Tony laughed at the 'rich ass' comment and told Peter that he liked him, kid.

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