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It was six o'clock in the morning when FRIDAY woke Peter up. Peter glared at the ceiling wondering why he was awake before remembering that she probably defaulted to his old school wake up time, back when he went to Midtown High. He got up and took a shower before getting dressed in one of his favourite science pun t-shirts and jeans. He saw his spider-suit in his bag and jolted, he was meant to meet Matt last night. Peter groaned and checked his phone, he was so dead. Peter had 5 missed calls from DD and 2 from DP. He quickly texted Matt his apologies and immediately got a reply saying not to sweat it and to meet tonight.

He stumbled into the kitchen at 6 30 and made himself a bowl of his favourite cereal, unsurprisingly his dad still stocked it. His spider-sense was a faint tingle at the back of his neck which he assumed was just because he was near the Avengers. Peter was unaware that Captain America was standing at the doorway, watching as Peter knocked the overhead cabinet door into his head and tripping over his own feet getting milk from the fridge. He sat down at the breakfast bar and immediately stood back up when he saw Cap at the door. 

"Good Morning Mr.America, sir." Peter stumbled over his words as he wasn't completely awake yet. "Morning Peter, call me Steve, please. Sir makes me feel old." Steve replied. He was waiting to go on a run around Central Park. "That's because you are, Steve." Same Wilson commented. "Still young enough to beat you, Wilson." 

"Want to join us for a run?" Steve asked while Sam furiously shook his head.

"Sure, let me get dressed for a run fist," Peter replied. Steve nodded before telling Sam to get ready too.

Peter stood in the common room with Steve in classic work out gear. The shirt had nano-sensors to monitor his vitals and the shoes to monitor his speed. Finally, Sam appeared and they headed down to Central Park. They started stretching and Sam gave him a warning about how it's not fair to run with a super-soldier.

They all set off together but soon Steve had taken off in front. Peter kept with Sam to avoid suspicion and a few minutes later Sam turned around. 

"Don't you say it! Don't you say it!" Sam cried out as Steve approached.

"On your left," Steve said as he passed them.

"Goddammit!" Sam muttered which earned him a language from Steve. It happened twice more before Peter was getting tired of running so slowly. Sam was sweating profusely and to Peter, this was a snail's pace.

"Imma speed up, Sam," Peter said speeding up, not too fast as he heard splutters from Sam exclaiming about how he can go faster.

Peter quickly saw Steve and Steve looked over his shoulder and looked confused. "On your right," He said as he passed them. Steve tried to speed up to match Peter's pace but quickly felt tired so he slowed back down. Peter was barely jogging and he had passed Steve another 2 times in 30 minutes much to a cackling Sam. "That was epic, I don't know how you did it but... Epic." 

"What's your heart rate?" Steve asked them both.

"175 and going down," Sam replied.

"150, going down" Steve responded "Peter?" Peter tapped his chest and a hologram came up showing 85 bpm. Steve whistled at the number. "I don't think Stark has one of them. How'd it do it?"

"It has micro-sensors and I made it," Peter replies, earning another whistle from Steve. 

"You did 13 miles in 15 minutes," Sam told him, "Star Spangled can do it 30."

"Cool, Cool, Cool, Cool, Cool, Cool, no doubt, no doubt, no doubt," Peter replied nervously. "These shoes are really springy," He said bouncing up and down.

They arrived back at the tower to find everyone having breakfast. Bucky had cooked pancakes and he was wearing a comical hot pink 'kiss the cook' apron. "Just in time." He said as they came out of the elevator. Peter stifled a laugh when he saw Bucky but sat down next to his father and took five small American pancakes onto his plate.

"Happy's come up later to get you a badge sorted out and then you can see the labs," Tony told Peter, watching in bemusement as he scarfed down the pancakes.

"Sounds good!" Peter replied, finishing the plate and going for a shower after uttering a quick thanks to Bucky.


"Hi Tony, where's Peter?" Happy asked as he stepped out the lift, spotting Tony.

"I think he's in the shower, should be out soon" Tony replied, downing his 3rd cup of coffee since he got up

"Yo, Happy! Mr.Stark! I'm ready. Really sorry if I kept you waiting" Peter arrived, he heard Happy enter and got ready quicker

"Not at all kid, lets head," Happy answered, opening the lift doors and he and Peter walked in, earning a quick goodbye from Tony as he headed off somewhere else.

Peter and Happy stood uncomfortably in the lift, Happy as stoic as ever and Peter barely fighting his excitement at seeing the R&D labs. When he was a kid he would play down in the labs and help the interns if they got lost. When they were gone he would correct equations that the interns and scientists were working on. He had so many happy memories from the labs and he couldn't wait to see his fourth favourite scientist, Dr. Matthews. He hoped he still worked in the intern labs and mentally reminded himself that Peter Stark knew these people, Peter Parker did not, as much as he wanted to catch up, he couldn't.

He was Peter Parker, Peter Parker, Peter Park, Peter Starker, Peter Stark. Oh no. This will not go well.

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