Unauthorised Personnel Detected

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Peter had just been scanned into FRIDAY, luckily without a hitch. He had his retinal scan set up as well as his fingerprints. Happy also gave Peter an intern level keycard (level 3), even if he had guest level access (level 8). Mainly it was so that Peter didn't draw unnecessary attention as Tony's intern/guest.

"Tony told me that you'll be down here for the first half of the day, the intern labs, and then after lunch, you can head up to his private lab." Happy told Peter monotonously. Some high-level scientists were milling around and he had a reputation to maintain. Peter nodded in affirmation. Inside he was freaking out. How could he not? The San Franciscan facility was great but it was almost all ocean research. Peter, being part spider got quite a rash from salt in high quantities such as the ocean. He could have it on food but really salty foods burned. If he was a spider he would die. Fun!

Happy lead Peter into R&D intern lab A, everyone turning to face them as they arrived.     "Listen up, this is Peter Parker. He is the new intern. He is here every day in the morning and he won't be here long until he no doubt gets moved up to a higher position. Play nice." And with that he left, leaving Peter alone with the other interns. Peter waved awkwardly and made a note to memorise their files. It was an old habit.

The interns were mostly all very friendly and Peter quickly learned that R&D intern lab A was for the paid interns that worked here until they were found a position within the company. The interns that Peter hit it off especially were called Ned and MJ. They were the complete opposite of Mary-Jane and Harry and Midtown. The only thing that wasn't new was Flash Thompson. He was and always will be an absolute asshat. There was a similar boy in San Francisco, Marc, his parents had invested heavily bit he was a burden to the team and seldom did anything. Flash's parents had bought him his place in Stark Tower although Tony was certain to keep him in intern lab A until he gave up.

Peter was given his desk and mostly free reign of materials. No vibranium or precious metals. He immediately started drawing up blueprints for some nanobots that could be used in medicine. He alternated between coding for FRIDAY and planning. It was all going surprisingly swimmingly.


Tony was up in his lab tinkering. FRIDAY was responding quicker and wittier than usual. He assumed it was his imagination. He saw the clock turn one and started to wonder where Peter was. He heard got a notification that someone was trying to get into the lab and assumed it was Peter, letting him in. Only, it wasn't Peter.


Peter was working when FRIDAY started beeping. Her text scrawled across the screen. 'Unauthorised personnel detected. Tower in low lying lockdown. Peter I would not recommend going to the Avengers floor at this time as it could be dangerous to your health.' Peter swore under his breath and told Ned and MJ he was off to get some lunch before heading off to the Avenger's elevator. Ned tried to tell him it was the wrong one but shut his mouth when the doors opened for him.

"Peter, I recommend that you do not proceed. I can take you to the lobby." FRIDAY told him when he pressed the button for the Penthouse. "Override... Peter Stark. Take me to where my dad is." "Certainly Peter." The lift began to move up and stopped at the common floor. Peter steadied his breath and opened the door, pretending to be distracted by his phone as he stepped out. "Sorry I'm late Mr.Stark, late lunch, you know?" He bumped into a guy that was holding a gun to his face. "Who are you?" The man asked.

"He's just my intern. Don't hurt him." Tony gasped. He was tied up with the rest of the team who were angry at being captured, Natasha looked especially furiously.

"Tie him up." The big guy with the gun told some goons that rushed forwards, forcing Peter onto his knees and handcuffing his hands behind his back and dragging him against the elevator wall, opposite the Avengers.

"Peter!" Tony called. A million thoughts were whirling around, it was his fault that Peter could die.

Peter, on the other hand, was completely calm. He tugged on the cuffs ever so gently and they bent confirming that they were not vibranium.

"Hey, guys!" Peter called, morphing into his spiderman persona. "How are you?!" Peter grinned manically at the avenger's horrified faces, especially Tony's. He flicked his wrists, forming his web-shooters. It hurt after a while without using them. "I don't suppose you gave me vibranium cuffs did ya?"

"No. Why would we waste them on you. Now shut up before I make you." The big man growled. "How exactly would you do that? Sew my mouth shut or just tape. Oooo or chop my tongue off. I've had all of those and it hurts so can I vote for tape." Tony's face was white. What on Earth was Peter blabbering about? "Maybe all three if you don't shut it, kid."

"See, now you've threatened my twice," Peter commented, standing up, causing the goons to point their guns at him, "And now... I'm bored" Peter snapped his cuffs and sprung into action. He jumped on the ceiling and took down two of the goons, webbing them to the floor with paralyzing webs. They were mixed with one of Peter's venoms and it lasted for two hours. The other five goons started shooting at him and Peter closed his eyes and ran at them, relying on his spidey-sense to guide him. He took down another two goons and faced the other town while the big guy watched, waiting for one on one. Peter attacked the last three, a series of well-placed jabs and they were falling to the floor, almost landing on Peter but he jumped onto the ceiling.

"Come down and fight like a man!" The big guy yelled, tossing his gun to the ground.

"Can't convince you to come up here and fight like a spider? No? Ugh, fine." Peter flipped off the ceiling and took off his web-shooters. He adjusted himself into a fighting stance and took a deep breath. The man charged at Peter, he was a surprisingly good fighter, trained well. Peter had town choices, kill his wrists or use his venom. He chose the latter. He purposely left his left side open and big man willingly took it, grabbing Peter and holding him in a chokehold. Peter took his shot and bit him, letting his fangs elongate and pulse venom into the man's bloodstream, knocking him unconscious.

He dragged all the goons into one pile with ease.

Finally, he turned to face the Avengers. "Oops.." He spoke quietly, they were looking shocked beyond belief. Tony was the first to speak up, "What the fu-"

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