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Dear diary,

Hello, my name is Glimmer! I'm the princess of Bright moon. Why did I start a diary? Well, I needed a way to rant. My mother had been getting on my nerves lately. In addition to that, the Horde has been attacking innocent people. My mother doesn't appreciate everything that I've done to help the villages in need. She also told me that another princess will be coming to keep me in line while I'm grounded.

Do I really need another princess just so I could be properly mannered? I am my own person! For all I know, she could just be one of those girly princesses that wears puffy gowns. I just wish that mom would let me do my own duties.

Signing off,


𝘿𝙄𝘼𝙍𝙔  ( Glimmer x Fem!Reader ) ✓Where stories live. Discover now