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Dear diary,

I've actually made some progress today. Since my lovely mother wouldn't tell me any information about the princess, she told me it was better if I asked her myself, I actually had to do all of the talking. The princess gave me the silent treatment on the first day of our meeting, but she seemed a little different today.

She was more lively. It totally made me push off my first impressions on her. Perhaps, she was having a bad day when I met her. Anyway, she introduced herself. Her name is Y/n L/n, a princess from a neighboring kingdom. She's around my age and she can fight. I actually had a good conversation with her as I found out more about who she is. We have a lot in common. Y/n also apologized for being rude on the first day of our encounter. I forgave her for it so it's all good.

There's also another thing I'd like to mention. When we were talking, her voice seemed to be so entrancing. Her voice was soft and gentle. With a voice like hers, I could listen to her speak for hours. May I add, she's actually gorgeous up close. The way her e/c eyes sparkled when she told me one of her backstory, her silky h/c hair was perfectly kept and her lips always stayed in a smile while she was talking. It was what I've observed from her. Y/n is like a living goddess compared to me.

I certainly am looking forward to meet her again. Maybe, being grounded won't be so bad after all when she'll be around.

Signing off,


𝘿𝙄𝘼𝙍𝙔  ( Glimmer x Fem!Reader ) ✓Where stories live. Discover now