knock off

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                                                       CHAPTER EIGHTEEN

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tommy groaned quietly under his breath as he looked over at the bar to see silver smirking up at some tall blonde , his arm hooked around her hip .

he should have known this would happen ,

a drunk silver was a horny silver and that would not end up well seeing as he had also invited Dave along with them . 

he knew that his friend liked her , well more than liked her even though her would never admit it out loud .

and the two of them had only just recently got back to being somewhat friendly , well as friendly as silver could get .

but it seemed that she was either really fucking oblivious to it or was pretending she had no clue about his feelings.

he was going to go with the second one , denial .

she had always pushed away and freaked out whenever someone got a little too close.

her guard was always miles high and he was worried that Dave wouldn't ever be able to get past it with the way she was behaving.

it wasn't exactly known that Dave was a patient guy either , they both had fiery hot temper's and zero tolerance for bullshit.

he had no idea how this was going to work but he was secretly rooting for them , he just wanted silver to be happy.

something she never seemed to be anymore but lately around dave he had seen pieces of the old girl he used to know peeking out.

the one that was happy and peaceful before the drugs and alcohol , when the fame quickly swept them off there feet.

he was determined to make this work , for the both of them .

but she was really not helping his cupids plan by draping herself across some guy without a care in the world.

he quickly looked over at Jonah and jabbed his side making the man let out a yelp as he shot him a glare.

"ow! what the fuck was that for?" he hissed annoyed rubbing his side as he looked at the drummers uneasy expression .

tommy motioned over to silver with his head , a grimace on his lips

" dude , Dave's coming here . we can't let him see that man . what is she even doing?" he rambled nervously , gulping down his beer.

Jonah's face fell in realisation as he looked over at her , finally understanding what had made tommy so worried.

before spotting the familiar ginger hair walking through the door and heading over to there table .

IN MY DARKEST HOUR (DAVE MUSTAINE)Where stories live. Discover now