the father

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                                                                 CHAPTER THIRTY TWO

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silver smiled at her father brightly as he picked her up easily , hugging her tightly to his muscular chest with a loud laugh.

"silver honey! where have you been ? " he said running his hand over her hair affectionately as he stared down at his daughter in relief , having been worried out of his mind about her.

silver could only smiled up at him sheepishly , feeling guilty for having been away from them for so long.

but she was somewhat better now , not off her face on coke so that was a good start to face her family with right?

"I've been busy , I'm sorry for not visiting soon enough . I've missed you ." she put on her innocent voices , softening her eyes at him knowing that he couldn't stay mad at her when she looked like that .

and just like she expected his scowl quickly melted , sighing heavily as he looked at her with a smile .

"I've missed you too , you're gonna be putting me into a coma disappearing like that though silver! next time , give us a bloody call yeah ?" he scolded her lightly , before his eyes met daves over her head.

narrowing in on him dangerously , frowning as he pulled away from her.

"and who is this?" he said vaguely recognising him from somewhere , looking down at his daughter curiously .

silver only laughed nervously , tucking her hair behind her ear as she went to stand beside dave again who looked to be in a state of shock .

"this is dave , my er- " she hesitated biting down on her lip , looking up at him silently.

dave breathed out a heavy breath , breaking out from him terrifying thoughts before smiling tensely up at the large man .

"I'm dave mustaine , her boyfriend . it's nice to meet you sir." he said , mentally patting himself om the back as his words came out cool and confident.

but on the inside he was shaking in his fucking skin because holy shit was this guy scary.

Eddie pursed his lips as he eyed the outstretched hand dave had given him before begrudgingly shaking it , making him wince at how roughly he did it.

feeling as though his fingers were being crushed.

'there goes my right hand." dave thought to himself with a grimace as he pulled away , looking down at his now red throbbing hand sadly.

"boyfriend huh? since when do you have a boyfriend silver?" he questioned her confused , a slight amused smile tugging at his lips as he looked at her.

IN MY DARKEST HOUR (DAVE MUSTAINE)Where stories live. Discover now