Challenge; passed.

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Rye's POV

Once me and Andy hung up, I put my macbook along with my headphones and my phone away and I got up to change. I pulled on my sweatpants and a shirt as I obviously couldn't be naked in Blair's flat, even though he had seen me shirtless many times while we were still staying here and laid down. I looked up at the ceiling and got lost in my thoughts. Before I knew it, I was asleep.


I woke up at around 11am. Even though I slept pretty late, I still managed to get up quite early as I usually do. When I was at home, I used to sleep at around 1am or later if me and Andy were watching Netflix and I still woke up at 9am or around that time except if we were on Tour that we woke up at around 8am, sometimes sleeping in if I was exhausted and we had nothing to do. I sat up in bed and stretched my arms as I yawned slightly.

Soon, I got up and headed to the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of water and drank it all as I decided what to make for breakfast. Blair had already left for work early as I noticed a little note sitting on the kitchen counter. I got it and read it, saying what I can have for breakfast etc. I let it back down and decided to go with a bowl of cereal and milk as I wasn't in the mood to make anything else or even cook.

Once I got it ready, I went back to the room and took my phone as I had it charging. I decided to Facetime Andy as I had literally nothing to do. He didn't pick up so I just guessed either he was asleep or doing something with the boys getting distracted from being on his phone all the time.

I sighed and decided to go on Twitter and Instagram to see what was going on with the fans while eating breakfast. I liked some edits on Instagram and then went on Twitter until I came across a tweet that caught my attention.

@/randytea: "According to some Roadies, Rye and Andy haven't been together these few days as Rye hasn't been at home with them due to Sonny doing a live and when asked where was Rye they all said that he was either upstairs, in the play room or somewhere out. We all know that Rye would be in the live even for a little bit if he was around. Is he really at home or are they hiding something?"

Also, under that was another one that talked about Andy and Sonny, I think.

@/randytea: "Also, some fans happened to see Andy and Sonny chilling by the lake earlier today as they took pictures with them and they watched them laugh and have a great time. We all know that Andy and Sonny are very close as they've known each other before Roadtrip was formed but what if... they are dating?" said the tweet, which obviously made me pissed until I noticed that Andy had replied to them from the band account.

@/roadtriptv: "We are not dating. We are just good friends. I wasn't feeling well and I decided to go for a walk and Sonny asked if he could join me, which he did and genuinely made me feel a lot better. It really is none of your business who we are talking to and who we are dating. Don't make up rumours without knowing. :) -AF" Reading his reply to this tweet made a weight fall off my shoulders as I was about to go off at them for saying something like that even though they didn't know the whole truth aka me and Andy dating.

I decided to keep going to read some more, liking and retweeting some about the band, quoting others about me before I got off. I had finished my breakfast so I went to the kitchen and washed the bowl and everything, putting them away. I went back to the room and sat down, getting my macbook and my headphones.

I got too distracted that hours passed and I didn't notice. I left my macbook and headphones on the bed and decided to get ready to go running as I couldn't go to the gym and I had to keep up my morning routine. I changed into the joggers I usually wore when I went running and got out a different shirt, pulling off the one I wore to sleep, leaving it on the bed. As I was getting ready, my phone started going off for Facetime. I picked it up to see that Andy was calling me. I pressed accept.

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