Chapter 8 - Canada

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-Abigail's POV-

"Do we really have to get up at this time." I groaned looking down at my phone that rested in my lap.

"If we want to make the plane then yes." Eyelyn snapped at me from the drivers seat, taking her eyes off the road for like two seconds to snap at me.

My gaze shifted to out of the car window, it was still pitch black outside. My eyelid were getting heavier by the second, since it's 4 o'clock in the morning. I glanced around the car one last time, Vikk was passed out in the middle seat leaning on Lachlan who was very close to passing out as well, Rob was in the front quietly chatting with Eyelyn who was driving. How can she drive at this time? I asked myself tilting my head to the side a little.

My eyelids became too heavy and that's when blackness over took my vision and I drifted off int a dreamless sleep.


"Get out of the car!" My eyes shoot open due to the loud and sudden voice yelling at me, I basically leapt out of my seat in the car, landing on the cold hard concrete.

"Ow." I groaned as I lifted myself off the ground. Looking around I could tell we had made it o the airport cause there were cars filling the carpark oh and also you know the plane flying off over head.

"Guys, luggage." Rob said from the back of the car presumably the boot. Me and Eye walked around the car and retrieved our luggage out of the boot.

Eye locked he car and we started to head towards the airport building where we would board our plane and meet with the rest of the group that was going on this ski trip.

"Vikk didn't have to wake up." I mumbled under my breath. As we continued to walk.

"No but Lachlan's carrying him, I ain't carrying you." Eyelyn told me. Playfully glaring at me. I smirk and yelled.

"Carry me!" I yelled as I fake jumped towards Eye, who moved out of the way.

"You'll be carrying yourself." She laughed. All while this was happening Rob was quietly chatting to Lachlan who was just a few steps behind us.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the airport~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We checked in and sent our bags off to the plane before walking off in the direction of our gate. Gate 12 I think Rob said. We all saw the others waiting at the gate for us sitting in the chairs just outside it.

We greeted each other and sat down. I watched Kaydee stare us down, across from us. I watched her stand up and slowly walk her way over to us.

"Guys since when was Kaydee coming on the trip?" I asked as she still hadn't approached us yet.

Everyone just shrugged at my question and went back to whatever they were doing. "Cause she's coming over to us right now!" I whisper yelled at them. She really was walking super slowly.

Eye, Add, Preston and Rob stood up and made sure they where in front of the group. They all were scowling at her and sending her so many glares.

"Well if it isn't the gay squad." She scoffed as two more girls jogged up to her and stood next to her. I glanced at Lachlan who looked like he was about to kill her. I hurriedly scouted over one seat and rested my hand on his shoulder and pointed at Vikk who was peacefully sleeping in his lap. His stare softened as he looked at Vikk.

I also glanced over at Aubrey, Mitch and Jerome who all looked super sheepish and a bit terrified. I think Add, Eye, Rob and Preston all picked up on the fact that they were terrified because of what happened next.

A sickening crack sound sounded throughout the airport. I quickly looked up to see Eye in a boxer position and Kaydee had toppled backwards and fallen onto the ground holding her nose but I could still see the blood sneaking it way under her hand.

"You BITCH!!!" Kaydee yelled at Eye who just smirked at her and lowered her hands. I was in shock at what just happened, I didn't think Eye would actually punch her in the face!

Kaydee then went to sweep Eye off her feet, Kaydee moved her feet in a fast motion but Preston quickly stood on her leg and stared at her.

"WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE!!" I heard the unforgettable voice of the Mrs Jackson boom throughout the airport, she was swiftly making her way over to use. Mrs Jackson always come on the ski trip and she always hates us, especially Eye!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~On the plane~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sitting on the plane I couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier today at the air port. We are about 2 hours into our flight. Eye, Preston, Add and Rob were forced to sit at the back of the plane with the teachers claiming that 'it's so we can look after you and making sure you don't get into anymore trouble.' It bums me out though cause every year that we go on this trip me and Eye always sit together.

This year I sat next to Lachlan and Vikk. Aubrey sat with Mitch and Jerome which has to be fun considering what happened this week.

"Problem?" I heard someone ask me from next to me. I turned from staring out the window and looking at the person who spoke to me. It was Vikk.

"Nope." I replied popping the 'p'.

"Suuurrreeee.......... so there's nothing wrong?" He asked again.

My answer was the exact same. I turned back to looking out the window.

"Hey, maybe this is a good thing." Vikk told me trying to conform me.

"How?" I replied venom lacing my voice as I spoke. I wasn't meaning to it just came out like that.

"Well, it means you have more to talk about when we land and you two can't prank us when we're asleep." I laughed at his comment about us pranking them. It's true on these flights me and Eye always talk sure but the best part about it is us pranking everyone else.

"You know-" I started turning to face Vikk again. "Lachlan was about to kill Kaydee." I explained to Vikk. Vikk turned away from me and looked at the sleeping Lachlan next to him. "But I just told him to look at you, you calmed him down, Vikk." I finished.

Vikk was smiling at Lachlan with one of the widest smiles I've ever seen him have before. He leaned over to him and kissed his forehead, raised the arm of the chair and snuggled into Lachlan's side.

"Tell me if one of the teachers come around." He said before shutting his eyes. I nodded to his request and smiled at the two cuddling. It was just so cute.

The reason Vikk asked me to tell him if a teacher come around is cause the whole school is basically homophobic. But of cause they also don't like public displays of affection either.

From when the plane landed we took a bus to the ski resort and were given our cabins. I was with Vikk, Eye and Mitch. They only let me and Eye stay with the boys because they didn't want to put us with Kaydee. Aubrey, Addison, Jerome, Preston, Rob and Lachlan were all in another cabin just next to ours. Aubrey and Addison's situation being the same as ours. They were only allowed to stay with the boys because they didn't want to put them with Kaydee.

Big thanks to me for writing this. But seriously hope you enjoyed this chapter and are exited what's gonna happen while they're all off in the mountains skiing/ snowboarding.
Let me know what you think is gonna happen ->

Love ya all long time .

-Hakepy .

1329 words.

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