Chapter 30 - Hello?!

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~Wednesday night~

-Eyelyn's POV-

God working in a cafe at seven o'clock at night is bloody boring!

I leant back in my chair a little bit further, trying my best to not fall off.

"I'm trusting you to lock up." My workmate Veronica said, pointing her finger at me and beginning to walk backwards out the cafe.

"Go, I'll be fine." I yelled since she was already out the door and walking down the footpath. She held up and thumbs up as she walked past the cafe and out of sight. We were both supposed to be working the cafe until nine, when it actually closes but she landed herself a date so she asked if I'd be ok doing it by myself.

Leaning back further in my chair with my shoes resting on the counter top. All of a sudden I heard a large creak, the chair gave out from underneath me and I went toppling down onto the ground.

"AH!" I screamed as my ass hit the cold, hard, coffee stained floor.

As I was trying to push myself back up using the bench as my support. I heard the hinges on the door squeak and the bell go off, meaning someone had entered the cafe. I scrambled my way so I was standing. I glanced around the shop but I no one was there. I then noticed that the door was still open.

"Hello?" I asked the air. The door slammed shut and footsteps were heard throughout the cafe. "Is anyone there?" I asked again.

I slowly walked out from behind the counter and looked around the corner but still no one was there.

"This isn't funny!" I yelled out. Someone was definitely there but I just couldn't see them. "What is going on?" I asked myself as I walked a bit around the corner to see if someone had just run around it.Then the unexpected happened someone answered me.

"I don't know, you tell me." The voice echoed throughout the coffee shop, sending a sharp chill down my spine. The voice sounded familiar but I just couldn't work out where it was from.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, hopping that the voice or person would answer me again.

"What are you doing here?" The voice asked me back. It seemed to be getting closer to me.

"I work here and I think I would have remembered you." I laughed nervously as I scanned the ceiling looking for anything that can explain this.

"You would have." The voice laughed but this time it sounded like it came from right behind me. I looked straight ahead in shook, this is some creepy horror movie shit!

I was just about to spin around and hopefully see the person or something when my arms were forcefully pinned to my back. I struggled under there grip trying to escape but what or whoever they were they were way to strong for me to push them away.

"You ready?" The voice creepily whispered into my ear. I tensed my body getting ready for some sort of pain but when it did I wasn't as ready as I thought I was.

Heat spread form where the thing was holding me from feeling kind of nice for a start but as they kept holding me the hotter there heat got until it was unbearable. I screamed out it pain as my skin began to boil.

The lights flickered on and off above me as I let out scream after scream. The thing all of a sudden let go of me. I fell to the ground with a thud and began tossing in pain, clutching at my arms and squeezing my eyes shut.

"Had enough?" The voice asked clearly leaning over me. I nodded my head violently as they let a chaotic laugh rip through the air.

I struggled up onto my feet using the bench for support. I glanced around the cafe trying to find the thing that attacked me but I still found nothing.

Just then I felt my feet lift off the floor my neck becoming tighter. I grasped at my neck trying to get there grip off of my neck but I just ended up scratching my neck. I kicked my legs trying to kick them away even though I can't see them.

"You have friends at the main high school?" They asked me as I kept gasping for breath.

I tried to respond but in my situation I couldn't, it just can't out as a raspy breath. All of a sudden I was dropped down to the floor. I gasped in all the air that I could possibly muster as I rubbed my neck.

"Well answer the question!" The voice boomed, I could feel there breath against my cheek which sent shivers down my spine. Even if I could talk and tell him I wouldn't have, especially not someone like this who would most likely hurt them.

A huge bang sounded through the cafe as a chair was thrown out the window. I covered my head as the glass shattered and was thrown everywhere. The cafe alarm sounded out meaning the police where called.

I scooted back a bit until my back hit the bottom of the counter. I leant my head back as my eye flicked shut.


"Miss?........ Miss?!" Someone said shaking my shoulder. I groaned as I opened my eyes slowly. I blinked a few time to actually get my eyes to work and show me stuff. As my eyes cleared I noticed that the person talking to me was a police officer.

"Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded not sure if it was a good idea to talk or not. "Good." He smiled at me. "We've called your two emergency contact numbers." He explained. Yet again I just nodded.

He slowly helped me to my feet, I wobbled a bit so he placed one of my hands on the counter so I could have better balance.

He examined my neck for a minute or two jotting down some notes and taking a few pictures as he did so before doing the same with my arms. I heard some familiar voice begin to talk outside.

"I was called about Eyelyn Esplin." They said.

The officer who was examining my injuries smiled at me before walking away. Just then I saw Abi cautiously step through the shattered window. She looked up once she was in the cafe and looked at me with tear filled eyes.

She sprinted forwards and wrapped me in her arms. I happily wrapped my arms around her as well. Neither of us really like hugs all that much but I think this can be an exception.


OK SO, HAS ANYONE HERE HAD AN ULCER?! (Mouth ulcer. Just to clear that up)

That's my question..... by the way I have about three at the moment and god damn they hurt!!!

Love ya all long time .

-Hakepy .

1166 words.

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