Chapter 7 - Packing

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-Addison's POV-

Today everyone is over at my house and when I say my house I mean me, Abi, Rob and Lachlan's house. The reason why were all in one place is were packing and for what you might ask. Well our school offers a ski trip every year and we always go on it as a group. It's always a bunch of laughs. But the best part of it is Getting credits for going skiing!

"Addie? Addie!? Addie are you listening to me?!!!" I heard someone yelling my name which pulled my away from my train of thoughts and memories.

"Yeah, sorry what did you want?" I asked trying to stay cool.

"The piece of paper you're holding." Aubrey laughed as she tried to snatch the paper from my hand.

"Why do you want it?" I asked leaning on the door frame and holding it well above my head.

"Because it's my passport information." Aubrey sassed, crossing her arms as she glared at me.

Slowly I began to unfold the piece of paper and scan my eyes over it. I began to chuckle as I read her full name.

"Aubrey Margret Pickle-Himer?" I asked through heavy laughter.

"HEY YOUR WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO READ IT!!!" Aubrey yelled running at me with a extremely angry look on her face.

"AHHHHH!" I screamed as I ran into the lounge and looked for cover. I found none and so Aubrey tackled me to the ground.

Once she retrieved the paper she helped me to my feet and punched me in the arm really hard.

"You guys look like your having fun." Abi laughed as she kept sifting though papers with Eyelyn at the bench.

"No!" I grumbled rubbing the spot that Aubrey had punched to try and reduce the pain.

"That's what you get for looking at my information." She told me leaning on the bench and passing the piece of paper to Eyelyn.

"Hey, how come she gets to look at it?!" I yelled, I'm Aubrey's best friend if anyone should know her full name it should be me.

"Cause Eye and Abi are sorting out the passports." Lachlan informed me waking over to us and lent on Eye's shoulder.

"By the way Aubrey." Aubrey looked up at Eye. "Nice punch." Eye complimented her, giving her a swift high five before going back to sifting through our papers.

I was going to say something but Preston burst through the front door and yelled "Guysss Miss McDonald just gave me a spot on the ski trip, are any of you gu- what are you doing?"

"Were packing for ski trip." Vikk replied bluntly.

"So were all going?" Preston asked walking further into the room.

"Yeah, looks like it." Mitch laughed, making the rest of the room go dead quiet. I fell bad for Mitch I mean we're all still friends with him but he was awful to Jerome Sooooo...... it's complicated I guess.

"Addie, can you pass me that lock on the bench please." Aubrey said quietly. I nodded and picked up the lock and tossed it to her. The lock was heading her way but she tried to catch it to early and missed completely. Making the lock fall to the floor with a thud.

"Nice punch but terrible catch." I laughed, which Aubrey did not seem to like.

"Oi, I said pass not THROW." She yelled at me looking like she wanted to kill me.

"Uh, Add, you better run." Abi told me.

"Not again!" I yelled as Aubrey charged at me, I booked it in the other direction. Running around the bench, out the front door, round the side of the house and back threw the back door. I repeated that circuit like twelve times.

I'm sorry for not posting when I should be. This is my excuse (you can decide if you accept them) I'm currently settling into online school, I had no inspiration for chapter 12 then I went to post this chapter and realized that it wasn't finished so then I started to freak out.

Yeah those are my excuses, are they aceptable?

That's the question of the chapter.

Love ya all long time .

-Hakepy .

702 words.

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