Sex addicts anon

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Abe Sands POV: hi I'm abe and I'm addicted to sex I said the therapy room consisting of Corey from Corey in the house, Barney, Ellen, and Bethany Mota. I also have a love for Bingo and raw eggs I'm 69 years old. I first became addicted to sex when I downloaded wattpad and started reading Kevin Jonas smut I craved Kevin Jonas so I got Kevin Jonas. I now want mac and cheese with raw eggs. Bethany Mota introduced then told me I look like a raisin. like really Bethany all these flavors and you chose to be salty but I had better things To be focusing on, Crocs, they're the love of my life the ping to my pong, the ding to my dong, the dick to my boner, the drake to my bell, and most importantly my new main hoe. my main hoe used to be Ross Lunch until he found out I was pregnant with Freddy Bensons baby. My life has been hard the first 10 months of my life were spent living in a vagina. And the next were spent fucking bitches and gettin money 420 YOLO. Drake is my idol I wish I had his rap skills and his hair he looks so fresh an pimp what an OG gangster. the next interviewed was Corey all he talked about was his boyfriend shrek and how everyone is getting in their swamp. I just want eggs and money. I'm now riding home listening to Schoolboy Q and they're trying to catch me riding dirty. as I was riding I found a cabbage patch farm. there they were. cabbage patch kids. I WANT THEM ALL. I screamed as a stomped on them IF I CANT HAVE THEM NO ONE CAN. I killed all the cabbage patch kids and I now sit in jail playing bingo and knitting.

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