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Being a shifter isn't what many think it is. Most of the shifters are of Native blood, it comes with the blessing of Mother Earth. We respect her and she blessed us with the gift to change into our spirit animal. Many people with Native blood have no clue as to the gift that was given us many generations ago. Not me. I was raised to know all about who I am and what I am supposed to be, a healer that will lead of team of other healers and warriors. My spirit animal is a rare white panther, she symbolizes healing, power, and purity. Not all shifters are fit and gorgeous. I am 5'9 and plus size, but my animal is fit and prime. I have long wavy brown hair that reaches my butt, and brown green eyes. I am ample in my womanly ways and have been since I was young. I am a part of a pard. A pard is a group of large cats like a pride of lions, or a pack of wolves. And unlike wolves and prides we are matriarchal, so my mother is the "Alpha" or in our case is the Nimraja, my dad is the lead male also known as the Nimra. All final decisions go through my mom. I love this because the rest of the world relies on a man to make the world go around, not us. I was getting my first assignment which is given when the power changes. My mom was stepping down and I am leading my first mission. I am excited since I will be the youngest leader ever at thirteen and I have earned it by being proficient and exceptional with my powers. My gifts are not tied to the moon I can use them at will. It came time to meet my client who my parents knew well, he was a lawyer for the corporate world and needed our help. I came out of my room and saw this paunch older gentleman around the age of my Daddy, he had silver hair and a mustache, and he was about 5'7 wearing aviator type of glasses. He was wearing business attire and had a Northern accent. He saw me and I felt like he was judging me. "Do you have a staring problem?" I asked. I knew it was rude, but I felt uncomfortable so I covered it up. "Asara!" My mother yelled, I glared at the man. "This is your client, Mr. Mobius. He desperately needs your help." My mom looked at him with such pity I had to hear why this seemingly successful man needed our help. "I'm sorry Mr. Mobius, I shouldn't have been so rude but I am not use to being stared at." I did my best to put on the charm, so I looked up with my big brown eyes and smiled innocently. "It's quiet alright Miss Asara. You have a mouth on you don't you?" He smiled and I had to wonder why. "Are you sure she is the right one to lead this extraction?" He asked my parents seriously. I felt slighted, but I understood I was young, and I was rude to him. "Asara show him", my mom demanded. I stood back from him and I shifted into my large white panther. I looked up at him with my grass green eyes and nudged him with my head. He reached down and pet me, I purred because his touch was comforting. He chuckled softly, "She is beautiful and she can change at will." I stepped back and shifted back, my clothes still in place. I saw him in shock because many others rip their clothes and I was in mine and nothing was out of place. "She is strong!" Mr. Mobius had a look of awe in his eyes. "Can we get down to business now?" I asked knowing I passed his test. I was handed a file from Michael with a picture right inside the cover. I took it and started looking. The picture was of a boy around my age. He had a chili bowl haircut and glasses. He was cute with almond shaped chocolate brown eyes and dark brown almost black hair. I was reading the report included, his biological mother was an alcoholic, his year in the system, his adoption by the Mobius family, and the abuse he was enduring by the hands of his adoptive mom. I was livid, "And how could you allow such things to happen to your adoptive son?" My voice was acidic and sounded more like a growl. He looked ashamed, and his eyes misty as he cleared his throat before answering. "I wasn't always an upstanding attorney, I took some clients that were shady. She is using my past to keep her power over me. If I stand up to her I go to prison, and he continues to be starved and locked up. This way I can save him and still be doing the good I am doing now. I am trying to make up for the bad I have done at the beginning of my career." I was still mad, but not at him, I was now seeing red because of this woman who was so vindictive to hurt her child and use her husband's past to keep doing so. I sneered "I'll do it. Not because of you Mr. Mobius but because I think your son is my mate and he deserves better." I turned my back on him and regarded my parents before heading out of the house shifting and running to the training fields. I linked my team "Meet me at the training fields...NOW!" I left no room for questions as I let out a cry of anger and of sadness for my mate. I waited for a few minutes before my whole team was before me all in our animal forms. I shifted and they dispersed to do the same. Unlike me they cannot shift with their clothes remaining completely unscathed. "We are going on a mission in a few weeks, we are extracting a 14 year old male from an abusive situation in Colorado. We need to be ready to leave in 2 weeks and I need intel like yesterday. Any questions?" I raised my eyebrows to see if there would be any. "No Nimraja" the said in unison. My intel team left to go to Colorado while the rest began to train for this mission. I was hard on them but harder on myself. I pushed myself until I could barely walk back to the house. My mom was waiting for me. "Asara are you ok baby?" She asked worriedly. "Mom, he is my mate I know it. I want him here safe, and I want to do this first mission well to make you and the pard proud." I looked at her despair dripping from my voice. She looked at me and shook her head, "As far as your mate is concerned he will be safe. And you have already made us proud, you are the only one of our kind to do what you do. You have the blessings from Mother Earth and Father Creator to be the best and you have a wonderful fate ahead of you." I was tired and starting to doze off when she told me to go to bed. I crawled up under my covers and fell asleep fast. A deep dreamless sleep took me. I woke up feeling better because the first thought that went through my head was of my mate and how soon I will be seeing him in person. I walked down the hall to the kitchen to get something to eat. My mom had made eggs and sausage with biscuits. I was almost done with my breakfast when my phone rang. I looked down and saw it was Silver. "Hi Silver." I greeted him. He told me to meet him outside it was important. I hurried and ate putting my plate in the dishwasher. I sprinted back to my room and got dressed in some jeans and a black spaghetti strap shirt, before heading outside. The rumble from Silver's camaro came up our driveway as I watched him pull in. I shuddered a blissful shudder at his beautiful black classic all American muscle car. He lopped out and took his sun glasses off. "Miss me beautiful?" He had a lopsided grin. "Always! So how is Sylvia?" I asked kissing his cheek. "She is good. Missing you." He winked. I blushed because Sylvia was a beautiful Pegasus shifter. She was 4'4 and had long bright red hair, and big green eyes. "That's not why I am here though", his face sobered up. "I hear you are going on your first mission and it's to save your mate." "You heard correctly", my face as sober as his. "How did you know?" He grinned again, "Because we are the warriors that are going." I went inside and grabbed my file and my purse, I climbed in his car and we drove to his place in Dallas. I looked up at his place that was old brick and wood out in the suburbs looking out of place among the new shiny homes with kids playing in the street with their suv cars parked in the driveway. I let out a whoop and laughed loudly as Sylvia came running outside and jumped in my arms kissing me as I was a long lost lover. Silver cleared his throat and she untangled herself from me and bounded up to him. He placed his lanky arm around her and she tucked up beside him. I heard whistles from the neighbors and I blushed from the intimacy that we showed in public. We went inside with Sylvia having her hand on my ass and her other hand holding onto Silver. We went to the office and started doing our tactical planning. In a little less than 2 weeks I will be seeing my mate for the first time and I was ready.

Being a Mate: Rejected or Ignored (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now