Even If I Say It Will Be Alright....

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Me and my extraction team were on the back of our bikes riding towards the place we are supposed to meet Mr. Mobius and his son. We parked outside of the Safeway and I saw the target vehicle. I posed up outside of the store when an overwhelming smell hit me. It was earthy like rain that had fallen in the forest. My panther was on alert she knew it was our mate and the need to get to him was overwhelming. The looks we got by the patrons of the store irritated me. They acted like they have never seen people wearing leather in the cold before. I was wishing for something warmer as I shivered. Note to self where warmer clothes when we go to a place where it snows. I heard the door open and my breath caught as I saw Mr. Mobius walk by, he sent me a wink. The young man next to him had all my attention. I reached out to touch him. “Hey.” I said making the first contact. He looked shy as he looked to his dad and then back at us. “You are welcome to hang out with them while I go to the liquor store.” Mr. Mobius gave the young man permission and that was our go words. He looked back to us then and back at his dad as he started to walk off. I held my breath as he did this. Everything inside of me was saying to go and mark him and take him far away from the hell he had been living in. My haze was broken as he ran off in the direction as his dad. My heart broke. I took it personal, as a rejection. I turned away from my team and ran. I knew they would get the bikes back to where they needed to be. I just had to get out of there. I barely made it to the tree line as I shifted. I ran as far as I could and ended up at a lake, by now the moon was high and my fur was soaked with melted snow. My panther cried out for her mate, my heart was shattered. I blamed the way I looked thinking if I was thinner, prettier then he wouldn’t have ran away. With my heart heavy I walked back. I came to a house that had one light on that stood out. I could smell my mate. I looked up to the second floor window in my animal form and sent a song of my heart to him. I saw a shadow come to the window, I was thanking the Creator that I was hidden by shadows. He was handsome wearing a maroon Avalanche sweatshirt his hair was swung forth in his face. His glasses were about to fall off his face. I saw him reach for them and slide them back up his face. I had crept out of the shadow letting him see me. His eyes connected with mine and for a second I felt the mate pull. I smelled his fear, the next thing I knew he threw an ax head at me. Mentally scoffing at his horrible aim, my heart shattered again. I fan back to the shadows and shifted. In my human form I looked up at his window and sang my heart my voice sounding eerie out in the moon lit night as I whispered the words to “It’s Never Too Late.” The wind carried my song, my tears fell and froze to the earth. Mother Earth understood my broken heart. I shifted back into my panther and ran away. I would never let a man hold my heart like my mate did. I left my heart in Colorado as I ran back to Texas. Even being back in my pard wasn’t enough to get my spirits up as the rejection I felt took a toll. I trained harder than before, ran further, and worked to the point of exhaustion. I was broken and the only one who could fix it was stuck in a hell created of booze and abuse.

Being a Mate: Rejected or Ignored (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now