Assassins and Paola, Kansas

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I woke up a second time to Silver throwing clothes at me. "Get up we gotta go take care of some business." I groaned and sat up. Sylvia and Felicia were already getting ready. From the looks of everyone's clothing we were going out. I looked at what Silver handed me. It was a black low cut tank top with leather straps crisscrossing the front and back and black chain pants. He even got me a black bra and panties to go with it. "Don't forget your sheaths for Iron and Steel or the Four Horse Men." Those were my pet names for my swords and my four throwing knives. I got up and started dressing, I found my sheaths and buckled them in place. I went to the mirror and started doing my makeup for the evening. Dark red lipstick and black and silver eyeliner. I straightened my hair and left it down. All and all I looked like an assassin. We met up in the living room. Oo-Ta-Tes-Kee was dressed in black jeans, with a tight black tee with two shoulder holsters and a carrier for a larger gun across his back. Felicia was wearing a black short dress with knife sheaths on her wrists, and Sylvia was wearing a black mini skirt and a black leather halter with a shoulder holster. Silver walked in last wearing black chain pants and a tight black tee with two shoulder holsters and a spine sheath for his double edge sword Formidious. We didn't have our weapons yet but I was guessing we were headed to his office at the Hole. We rode in Janet the Camaro and as if on cue the Hole was there. We bypassed the security since it was daytime. I walked with Silver to the vaults to retrieve our weapons. I took each sword of mine and kissed them placing them in their sheaths. My throwing knives were next. With all my babies in their holders I watched Silver grab his guns Justice and Liberty. Liberty was a silver 50 cal desert eagle and Justice was a gold 50 cal desert eagle. He grabbed Formidious and we let everyone else grab their weapons and then we head into Silver's office. I sat on the black leather sofa near his chair so that we could wait for our others. Kitten came in and I was shocked, Kitten only got called in if it was bad. We are the last line and she was our best warrior. Everyone had come in and were taking seats, well, all except Kitten, she stood by the door. "Ok so we know that one of the kidnappers escaped." Silver took point because I was looking for answers. "Well we have intel that he is in Kansas. And while we head to Kansas we are going to be looking for Azaran, he has been taken from his target home and is somewhere in Kansas now. I'm going to be calling Pops and then we are on our way." Silver was rolling a joint and Sylvia was rolling a blunt. Me and Silver smoked the joint and the rest smoked the blunt after partaking we waited while he called Pops. We were headed to Paola, Kansas that is where Pops heard both of our subjects were. Time for revenge and to get my mate. Walking out of the Hole we looked like we were looking for trouble, and we were.

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