The Hole and Taken

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Back at the pard my life fell apart. I was angry, and I fought with everyone. I would wake up and do a line of cocaine then start my day. I went to school, smoked weed, and continued my downward spiral of self-hate. I spent my nights with Sylvia as I let her take my virginity. I let her take me to the moon and back. I spent several of my nights tangled up in Sylvia and Felicia while Silver watched us. He had self-control were I didn’t he made sure I never killed myself or anyone else. I numbed myself. Training harder than before, I was in my prime and my hate made me ruthless to those I loved. Silver tried to get me back to me by inviting me to the clubs. I am now 16 and my life is about partying and getting high. I was getting ready to meet Silver and Sylvia at the Hole a club for us shifters. I showered and towel dried my hair. I walked to my room to begin looking for my outfit. I chose a short leather skirt and a tight low cut black tank top. I did my make up in black eyeliner and brown lipstick. My hair was in waves down to my ass so I left it alone. I put on my boots and walked to the door. I was so happy to see Silver and Sylvia as I got into the convertible. We laughed and talked the whole way. I felt a little bit like the old me. Before I hated my life. I missed my mate but failed attempt after failed attempt I started losing hope of ever seeing him free. I tried to move on and live my life without my mate. We pulled up outside the Hole and we got out. I recognized the bouncer. “Mr. Mobius.” I said dryly. “My Asara how sexy you have become.” I rolled my eyes at him. I knew he was playing the part but if he touched me I was going to rip him a new asshole. He chuckled and let us in with no problems. I went straight to the bar and ordered twelve shots of buttery nipple. I downed all of them and looked for a shot girl. Sylvia found one and had he lay down so I could take my shot. I licked the salt off of her thigh and drank the shot from her belly button then took the lime from between her breasts. She squealed as I let my tongue slide over her skin. I stood her up and smacked her ass as she walked away. She giggled. I was mentally kicking my ass because I wanted my mate. This guy walked up and asked me for a dance. I was pretty drunk but agreed if he bought me a drink after. He was grinding on me and I closed my eyes so I didn’t vomit from the alcohol and the sickness of the man touching me not being my mate. I didn’t realize that we were moving until the music became a dull thump. I opened my eyes seeing that we were outside. I looked confused at the guy and he grabbed my hair. “Move and I will make you regret it.” He made me shiver in disgust as he licked the side of my face. I spit in his face and stomped on his foot. He let me go for a second before I dropped. I pulled a tranquilizer out of my leg as the world swam around me. Damn I had just been taken. Fuck.

Being a Mate: Rejected or Ignored (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now