The New Nimraja on Her Way

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It seems that the time did pass quickly. With all the training and the tactics tomorrow we would be leaving on our mission. I was packing my bags, the file called to me. I had to look at his picture yet again. I picked it up, and a letter fell out. It was a letter from Mr. Mobius.


Please help my son. He means everything to me. I wish I could have helped him more without risking everything. His name is Azaran. He is 14, and he is sweet, smart, and special. I knew how special when we adopted him, and he needs to be guided in the way of your people. I know I made the right decision to come to you. I am also honored that you will be his mate. I will drop hints to him but with that being said I cannot just tell him of his rescue. I know you will do everything you can to save him.

Mr. Mobius

I was still angry with him for the way he has allowed his son to be treated. I feel like every child should be treated as a special gift. I sighed knowing I need to let go of this anger. I put the file down and walked out to the living room of my house. My parents were sitting in the floor with the buffalo peace pipe that had been in our family since the Trail Of Tears. I knew they wanted me to join them. My dad was a medicine man therefore it was an honor to have him partake of the pipe with you. “Asara, it is an honor to share the pipe with the future leader. You have showed your skill, and blessings from Mother Earth and Father Creator. I start this circle passing it to you, the hope of our pard. Will you partake the pipe with me?” He was somber as he asked. “I will Father.” I responded with all seriousness. I looked to my Mom my Nimraja “Nimraja will you partake this pipe with me so that the past be linked to the present and that the future will be blessed by the wisdom passed down?” “I will New Nimraja.” She took the pipe and inhaled the herb in it. Once the pipe was back in my Dad’s possession he placed it in its crook. He spoke a blessing for the mission, and we then broke the circle heading to bed. In a few short hours I leave to go and rescue my mate. I awoke with a start. I burned my smudge before getting ready. I asked the Great Creator to bless our trip and to make a way for things to be as they should. My smudge was finished and I turn to get dressed in my leather outfit. I wore black leather pants, a black spaghetti strap shirt with a bra in it, a black leather coat, and black leather boots. I did my makeup with black eyeliner and red lipstick, looking years older than my thirteen years. I grab my bags and the file and head out. The pard was outside waiting. Those who were going were wearing black leather like me, and the rest were there to wish us blessings as we left. I got in Silver’s convertible and stood up in the passenger side. “As I lead you today, I am taking my stand as Nimraja of this pard. The path before us is long. Who will answer the call of the Panther? I, Asara, lead us to bring home a kindred spirit, my mate, and your Nimra.” The pride coming from my parents was great as the pard whooped and hollered their replies. I sat down and we started the procession out on our mission. The calls of the pard as they shifted and ran along our cars was a beautiful sight for me. Those too young to shift ran and rode with the others. I let out a call as we pulled from the driveway. I felt peace as we started our trip from Texas to Colorado, hope driving me. 

Being a Mate: Rejected or Ignored (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now