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Lài Shi-on was confused: "Her who?"

Lài Yongliang spoke hesitantly: "Your attacker from last year."

Lài Shi-on's face drained of colour, he felt his heart thumping in his chest and felt everything in the world come to a standstill. He felt like he couldn't breathe, heat rushed up the back of his head and to his ears. The sound of his heart beating resonated loudly in his ears.

The room descended into a stony silence.

Lài Shi-on looked into his brothers eyes: "How do you know it's her?" He had been heavily drugged that day and couldn't recall very many details.

Lài Yongliang: "Xǔ Junjie had informed me earlier this evening. He apparently knew one of the men the woman's father had hired to clear up the scene. He was able to relay the superficial events of that day. He does not know what happened in the room. His account of the events detailed the situation happening at the Jia main residence and the person escaping and finding help before anything could happen. Xǔ Junjie does not kmow what actuallt happened to you. "

Lài Shi-on stood up and rushed to Lài Yongliang.

Lài Yongliang immediately stood up when he saw Lài Shi-on approaching. Lài Shi-on grabbed the front of his brother's top and stared at him angrily. "I told you to let it go! I told you not to interfere!!! Now someone else knows. Do you think you're helping me? You're just trying to absolve yourself of guilt. You don't care about what I want!"

Lài Yongliang spoke gently: "Shi-on I'm trying to help you. I know you have not yet recovered from your ordeal. I want you to have justice; I want you to get closure."

Lài Shi-on: "Justice?! You want?! Who cares about what you want!" He pushed Lài Yongliang hard causing him to fall back into the chair.

Lài Shi-on felt his rage roaring inside of him, he felt humiliated and ashamed. He took deep breaths in and out as he stared at his brother: "I asked you repeatedly! I told you not to look for her! I told you to leave it alone. I begged you to forget about everything that happened. I've moved on, I'm stronger now. I'll never let anyone take advantage of me again. Why are you bringing this up now?! Why couldn't you just leave it alone?! I'm not your subordinate, I'm not a situation that you can just manage and deal with." He walked over to his desk and swiped everything on to the floor.

Lài Yongliang watched as his brother continued to wreck his room.

Lài Yongliang his voice was hard: "Shi-on you are my brother, my flesh and blood. Do you think I could accept that someone had the audacity to defile you? That little girl preyed upon you, she drugged you and then she... she carried out her lustful acts. Did you think I was ever going to let her go? I would travel to the depths of hell if needs be to find her."

Lài Shi-on stood quietly with his back to Lài Yongliang: "I've worked hard, I'm not the shy, weak gangly, coward I was last year. I'm strong now. I've worked hard. No one will ever be able to do anything to me again. Ever. I'm a man."

Lài Yongliang had watched Lài Shi-on put his body through hell to become stronger and more muscular. He had watched his gentle, shy, reserved brother forcefully turn himself into a testosterone-fuelled alpha male.

Lài Yongliang: "You were and are always a man. Regardless of whatever situation that befalls you, no matter what form your body is in. You are always a man. Shi-on listen to me I did not do this to cause you more pain. I wanted you to be able to get closure. I assure you that Xǔ Junjie does not know what happened to you in that room. He does not know what happened. Apart from that woman; everyone else who aided her plan is dead. Those that worked in that area of the building have all been dealt with by that woman's father. Even the initial hit men that were hired were dealt with. No one knows what happened in that room Shi-on."

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