Chapter One

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Crowley slept soundly, clutching a pillow while his light snores filled the room. The sun shone brightly through the blinds, which had been closed tightly, creating small slivers of light against the dark cement walls.

Crowley began to stir awake when he heard his phone ringing. Typically he wouldn't answer, but when he rolled over and saw Aziraphale's name on the screen, he picked it up and selected the accept button.

"Hello?" Crowley answered, groggily.

"Crowley dea- are you just waking up?"

Crowley quickly sat up in bed and swung his legs off the side. "What? No, of course not. I've been up for hours."

"Anthony Crowley, it is half past noon! How in the world are you still asleep?"

Crowley rolled his eyes. "Did you really call to harass me about my sleep schedule?"

Aziraphale sighed on the other end. "No, I called to tell you that you need to check your mail." For some reason, Aziraphale sounded nervous.

"My what?" Crowley rubbed his eyes, his brain still not awake.

"Your mail, Crowley. You sh-"

"Did you send me something, Angel?" Crowley stood from his bed and flipped the light switch on the wall.

Dim lighting filled his flat and Crowley sauntered over to the entrance door of his home.

"No, Crowley. This is serious. Just tell me if you got something," Aziraphale was growing impatient.

Crowley eyes the gold mail slot on his door and notices a single letter lying on the tile floor. He crouched down and picked the small envelope up, reading the writing on the front. There was no address nor return address. All that was on it was Mr. Anthony J Crowley written in a cursive font.

"Yeah, I got something," Crowley murmured, walking over to his desk.

He placed his phone down and put it on speaker, then sat down in the large red and gold chair, which he treated like a throne.

"What does it say?" Aziraphale's voice was almost shaking.

Crowley ripped open the envelope and pulled the letter out from inside. He tossed the envelope onto the ground and hunched over as he began to read the letter aloud.

"Dear Mr. Anthony J. Crowley, your presence is requested to fight for Hell in the Apocalypse games. Due to the fact that our war was cancelled, both Heaven and Hell have agreed to participate in these games to decide once and for all who is the better side. The winning prize is full control over the losing team. We play to enslave. Please sign below to accept our offer."

"Oh thank Heavens, you got one too." Aziraphale let out a heavy breath. "Crowley, what do we do? I mean, we can't just defy direct orders again-"

Crowley ripped the thick parchment in half and let the pieces burn in his hands.

"Crowley, what was that?! Did you just... did you just rip up the invitation? You can't do that!" Aziraphale yelled through the phone.

Crowley watched the tan paper shrivel and turn to black as it fell to ashes in his palm. "Angel, have you signed yet?"

"Well, no I was going to call you before I did anything because I figured we should discuss this-"

"What is there to discuss? I thought we agreed we were on our own side. That we weren't going to play their games anymore." Crowley chuckled to himself. Games. This time it's literal.

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