Chapter Five

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Aziraphale's eyes were glued to the London street in front of him, his hands shaking as he gripped the wheel. They were currently sitting in midday traffic, which made Crowley nervous because there were so many other cars to crash into, and because there was no easy way to speed off if they spotted Gabriel and his little posse of angels.

"Angel, you're doing fine," Crowley said, trying to calm Aziraphale's nerves.

He chuckled awkwardly. "How are you feeling?"

"Everything hurts. My head is pounding and I think my leg is broken," Crowley looked over at Aziraphale, who's eyes had not once left the car in front of them. When Aziraphale snapped his head towards Crowley, he continued talking. "But I'm okay, really."

Aziraphale turned his focus back on the slow-moving car in front of them.

"Thank you, by the way. I know we would probably both be fine if you hadn't come charging into that church, but you still risked everything to make sure I was okay. Thank you for that," Aziraphale smiled lightly.

Crowley felt his face go hot, although he couldn't figure out why. "Yeah... yeah, it was no problem," he coughed.

"Crowley, where are we even going?" Aziraphale asked.

"Uhm, I don't really know," Crowley chuckled as he realized the problem.

"We can't really hide from Gabriel, he's an angel. They can track us in some way," Aziraphale let the car roll forward a bit before slamming on the brakes again.

Crowley jerked forward. "Go a little lighter on the brakes there, Angel. We're in traffic so no need to drive so harshly,"

"Sorry, Crowley," Aziraphale mumbled.

"You know, actually, I know a guy. He owes me a favour and happens to own a little cottage not too far from here. We can hunker down there for a little while- at least make a bit more difficult for Gabriel to find us?" Crowley said, already pulling out his phone to call the cottage man.

"Yeah... yeah, that could work," Aziraphale spoke with a little more hope in his voice.

Crowley held his phone to his ear as he waited for his friend to answer.

"Hello?" A gruff voice answered.

"Hey there, Mike!" Crowley said, faking his enthusiasm.

"Anthony Crowley? Is that you?" The man chuckled. "Golly day, it's been a while. What's shakin'?"

"I er, not much. Hey look, I know we haven't talked in a while but a uh, a friend and I were wondering if we could use that cottage of yours? The one out by Watford?" Crowley glanced over at Aziraphale, who was trying to look at Crowley and the road the same time.

"Oh well uh-" Mike started, but Crowley quickly interrupted.

"You do owe me a favour, old friend," Crowley hissed into the phone.

"Ah, yes! Correct you are. It's quite a small place, only one bedroom, but I was just there a few days ago so there should be a little bit of supplies there. You can find the key under the doormat," He chuckled nervously.

Crowley smiled with satisfaction. "Thanks, pal."

"Yeah, just-"

Crowley hung up the phone and tossed it onto the dashboard. "We're all good to go."

"Wonderful!" Aziraphale gasped. "What did you do to get this guy to owe you anyways?"

"Oh, you know... he just conveniently found out that his wife was cheating on him when she accidentally left her phone unlocked," Crowley turned and looked out the window.

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