I'll take your case.

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*Me writing for that one reader that actually reads my story*
Thank you, Nighttime-words

The grass was cold and crisp under foot, shining an emerald green under the afternoon sun. Above, the sky was a beautiful shade of the bluest blue, not a cloud to be seen for miles around like an endless strip of cerulean silk. Two brunette girls were sitting on the grass, the shorter of the two nuzzled into the taller one-"

  "Get to the point!"


  "No, be patient... as I was saying...

  The pair were sharing a comfortable silence, a silence filled with love and adoration for the other when suddenly the shorter one received a text alert. Normally, after looking at her phone, she'd put it down and snuggle deeper into the other girl's arms, reassuring it was nothing- just an old teacher or a client. But on that day, she looked at her phone and gasped, her face turning as white as a sheet as she turned to her partner, fear in her eyes.

  "I have to go" she breathed, panicking,

  "I love you..."

  "I love you too." And with a sweet fleeting kiss, she was gone leaving her girlfriend to wonder the happenings that had just occurred.

  "I don't see how this love story is relevant, you're wasting my time."

  "Shush, I'm getting to it. I'll continue...

  After 12 minutes 46.68 seconds, the girl was still still stationary, and her twin sister padded over to her through the long grass and sat down beside her.

  "Your girl run off?" At this the girl turned to her sister who was giving her an obviously false sympathetic smile.

  "You're pretty glad about it." The girl's twin rolled her eyes and smiled sickeningly sweet at her.

  "Always observant." She responded with a giggle. "I always told you that you were mixing in with the wrong crowd-"

  "Wrong crowd?! WRONG CROWD?!" The girl turned to her sister threateningly, "WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE WRONG CROWD? WE'RE TRAINING TO BE SECRET AGENTS, OUR BROTHER IS A PROFESSIONAL SNIPER, FOR GODS SAKES! AND AS FAR AS I KNOW, MY LOVE LIFE IS NONE OF YOUR CONCERN, NOW GO ON AND GET TO YOUR MEETING!" She yelled. And with an annoyingly shrill laugh, her twin sister walked away, but not before commenting,

  "Half brother." Then she was gone too.

  The girl barely heard from her girlfriend until three days later, she got a message which read

'How could you do that to me? I thought you loved me??'

  She was beyond confused so messaged her back.

'Do what? x'

'You know what you've done. Don't 'x' me. How fucking dare you!'

'What did I do? x'


'Babe. You're scaring me. Stop joking! x'


  This hurt her... this hurt... me. I hadn't done anything but there was my girlfriend saying things that she said she'd never say and they really really hurt.

'What's going on? Please I seriously don't know!'

'Goodbye, Gabriel'

  She had people collect all of her things... even our record collection. Then she changed her number. I never heard from her again. After a while I convinced myself that I don't need her love and that she's just somebody that I used to know. I didn't know what happened but my sister was pushing on about it being my fault. Saying things like...

  "It's your fault you got your delicate little heart broken! Should've listened to me."
"You're such a fucking loser... you know that?"

  After a while of ignoring her... the words got angrier... harsher... almost... psychopathic. She once held the kitchen knife at my throat to get to me. I felt numb. I didn't care. The next thing I knew was me in a hospital bed, my twin sister in a mental hospital and my older sister, Molly, had moved to London to get away from it all.

  And that's the story about how I found out my sister was a psychopath who got high on the visual sight of my negative emotion like how you get high on cases.
Even when she stabbed me I didn't show any sign of pain. I was truly broken." Gabriel sighed as Sherlock looked at her blankly.


  "Yeah I kind of got into the story so I spilled my guts. But it feels amazing to get it off my chest."

  "I'm sorry, Miss Hooper."

  "Thank you, John."

  "Doctor Hooper. She's a computer scientist."

  "Read my file?"

  "..." John wore an amused smile as Sherlock looked from him to the woman and sighed. "Yes."

  "Me and my girl were attached at the hip. My sister saw that and hated her. She hated me. She hates me... She takes all of the things that make me smile and turn them against me to see me suffer."

  "Sentiment" Sherlock spat the word as if it were a foul poison on his tongue, his forehead creased and his eyebrows furrowed.

  "Sentiment, oh, sentiment. You really do sound like your brother, don't you? You feel it too. I saw the way you looked at my sister as you realized she was in the room, how you bowed your head, how you looked at her when she laughed as if she had just recited pi up to 250 decimal places... you feel it too, don't you Mr Holmes?"

  John sat on the chair looking between the two geniuses. He agreed to everything that the girl opposite him had said... it was sad, for her words rung true and he knew that Sherlock was aware of of it.

  Gabriel sighed before continuing "I had my shot at love. I had my girl and she couldn't accept that, so she made fun of the fact that I couldn't have her anymore... Laughing and mocking me to get a reaction as I sat numbly.  It's been a long time and I think she'd've been released from that hospital by now. A vengeful ghost"

  "Okay, Doctor Hooper-"

  "Please- Gabe."

  "Okay, Gabe. I'll take your case."

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