Until we meet

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(That is an actual tweet^)
(Merry Christmas by the way! -☕️x)

The two men got the the crime scene by cab before hopping out and trotting over to the police tape. Unfortunately for them, it wasn't their lucky day and the two were immediately greeted by an unimpressed looking Donovan, "Oh look, it's the freak and his mentally ill companion. Over ten years of the psychopaths company and the poor man still isn't aware he has Stockholm syndrome."

  "Afternoon, Donovan. How was your demotion?"

  "Oh, very funny- It was quite eventful actually."

"Oh, was it? Lovely to hear. Now, if you'd just let us in, that would be lovely."

"I bet it would. Don't you dare mess anything up. I know the person who lives- well, lived- here personally and if you wreck what's left of their things I'll hate you more than I already do." At that, she pulled her walkie-talkie out and spoke down the transmitter to let her boss know of the detective's arrival before lifting the tape. The two men walked under as Sherlock turned around and exclaimed,

"Oh, and Gabriel sends her love." Donovan's face flushed as she processed what he said but when the realisation dawned on her face, it was too late, his lanky figure already having disappeared into the rubble.

A track of where it was safe to walk had been pathed out in tape and Sherlock followed the path to Lestrade, who was waiting for him with a perplexed look on his features.

"Hello, Lestrade, I trust that you and your troops have looked around a bit." Lestrade was startled out of his confused trance and looked at Sherlock nodding,

"Yes we have. Unfortunately we found nothing but I was hoping you could help us out a bit."

"Evidently. May I look around?" He asked as he gestured to the room around him.

  "Go ahead." Greg replied, standing by the doorway. Sherlock looked at the pristine paintings on the wall and frowned. "Apparently it was the fire that caused most of the damage to her belongings" Greg mentioned.

  "Evidently." He continued looking around for a second before stating, "but if there was a fire, the paintings would've burned too..."

"What if they aren't flammable?" John butted in,

"Of course they were flammable! These are oil paints. A single cloth used to clean them up can spontaneously combust if it isn't stored correctly." He turned to look at both men, "No... these paintings were put in earlier yesterday evening."

"That's impossible! This has been a guarded crime scene since last night. We would've caught her!" Sherlock gave him a look of deadpanned disbelief,

"Really?" He scoffed, "We're dealing with an extremely clever person's extremely clever and psychotic twin. If I could barley catch Moriarty then I doubt anyone at the yard could catch her."


  "What makes you think she's as clever as Moriarty?" John said, looking up at the taller man.

  "I don't. Scotland Yard is just useless."

  "As I said. Charming."

  "Why would a psychopath on the run stop by at a crime scene that they caused just to put down a few paintings?" John reasoned, "Wouldn't that be a waist of valuable time that could be used getting away from the police? Just to hang up some art?"

  "No. Even you can figure this out, John. We've been through the fact that Dr Hooper's sister is trying to give us a message so, the message is in the paintings!" He paused, looking around at them, two of which were paintings of the statue, Michelangelo's David, the other single one was an exact replica of the fake Van Buren Supernova with the incorrectly placed constellation included.

  "Looks like we've found our message..."

  "In the frame?"

  "No, in the meaning behind the art work- Yes the frame."


  "Moment of truth." Sherlock stated, approaching the painting before lowering it off of the wall. He undid the latches before taking the back off of the frame and revealing a hidden envelope.

  "That was easy. Now we just have to see what's inside it." John said, watching Sherlock as he examined the envelope.

  "The stationary is cheap, practically something you could buy from Tescos." He turned it on to it's front, Sherlock, was written on the creme coloured paper.

  "She knew you were coming then."

  "Well... obviously." He paused, smelling the envelope, "Nope, that's just an envelope..." the tall detective opened it, pulling out the card concealed inside. Greetings! The words were printed on the card in rainbow glitter print.

  The three men frowned at it before Sherlock unfolded it. Inside, the card read,

  Hello, pretty boy.
I don't think we've met, but when we do I'll finally be able to introduce myself.
Until then, this is a case for my dear sister.
You better watch out, another one of my toys is going to go bang... this time it's going to hit closer to home for you. I bet you're used to explosive entrances down at Baker Street so this won't be all too new.
Don't worry about the child, Scully has always been good with kids.
Until we meet.

Time stopped for Sherlock as he looked up at John and Greg, both had a look of shock on their face, "She's going to blow up Baker Street."


"Rosie? Come here darling I've just made sure your tea isn't too hot!" Gabriel said as she poured the decaf tea into a little China tea cup. "Ros-"she paused as she looked to the little girl standing by the window and looking out of it, dreamily.

Everything went in slow motion as Gabe deduced what was going to happen next. From her seat in the couch, Gabe got up as fast as lightning, taking a cushion with her, and pushed Rosie out of the way of the window, dropping it to cushion the child's fall. As soon as she did, a shower of glass rained upon them, Gabriel acting as an umbrella and she rolled on the floor and way from the tongues of fire.

The tall woman picked up the girl and hurried out the door, limping in her cast as she hopped down the stairs and called to Mrs Hudson, "Martha! There's been an explosion. Quick, hurry out!"

"My hearing may be dodgy at times, but I heard that dear. My goodness, look at you!" Mrs Hudson said as she walked out of her flat holding a suitcase before taking Rosie from Gabe's arms and walking her to the door.

The door opened from the outside the same time it opened from the inside as Sherlock, John, Greg and even Mycroft looked around the door at the two women and the little girl before all three of them sighing in relief.

"Close call, eh boys?" Gabriel laughed as she winced in pain. Several pieces of shattered glass were lodged into her back and shoulders. "Well, I'm gonna get cleaned up."

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