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If you're reading chapter this on the day I publish it, Happy Easter! 🐣🐰 xx -☕️

Sherlock and John shared a taxi ride back to Baker Street. The taxi was filled to the brim with a deafening silence which soon started to get uncomfortable.

  "So..." John began, breaking the thick tension.


  "Your new flat mate."


  "Molly's little sister?"


  "I didn't know she had one."

  "Apparently she has two... and a half brother."


  "Named Sebastian Moran."

  "How did you know that?"

  "I saw a text from him on Doctor Hooper's phone. He called her 'Gabby'."

  "Couldn't he have been her boyfriend?"

  "You heard her century long story, I wouldn't have blamed you if you fell asleep in the middle of it- She's a lesbian."

  "She could be bisexual?"

  "You're right- she could be... DAMN IT, JOHN! It's never the twin! It's never been the twin! Suddenly, the one in a million case where it's most likely the twin but they're un-deducible! And worse- one works for my brother!" Sherlock exclaimed, forcefully slamming his tightened fist onto the side of the cab.

"Easy, Sherlock. It's ok!"

"But it's never the twin, John!" Sherlock said before puffing out a sigh of shear frustration. "It could be someone else! She's an agent for the government and as she said, she's met terrible people so presumably she has enemies... but what would enemies want from her? Well she still has her laptop and obviously, if she was at a crunch for time and her leg was broken then it must've taken her effort to get herself out the house. So she must have gone to get her laptop first. Maybe, if her laptop and phone contained work then they'd try and obtain it? No- they wouldn't blow it up if they needed it! They may have done it to stall her from progressing in her work but if they had access to the house wouldn't they steal it? No, it might have been chipped but then they could've stolen the data and ditched the laptop? Instead they blow up the house which, if they hadn't known what her thought process was like, would've killed her and blown up the laptop in the process. So this person clearly knows her extremely well. Not a friend because it would've taken years and she isn't the sort to make friends except for some woman called "Jessica Rue" and Doctor Hooper and Jessica were barely still in touch, the last message Doctor Hooper had sent to Jessica was a 'Happy Anniversary' just over a month ago and as we both know, married friends barely keep in touch so that rules her out. They clearly were not just a sibling because Molly isn't close, she never talked about her whereas if they were remotely close, Molly would have at least mentioned her siblings once or twice. It couldn't have been her half brother Sebastian because Doctor Hooper and him are too close despite him living far away... so last available option...

The psychopathic twin... Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock finished with a loud groan.

  "Just calm down." John said with a reasoning tone, "I'm sure it'll turn out ok and we can solve the Case of the Twin Hoopers."

  "You've given it a name?"

  "I might have?"

  "Oh- things keep going down hill! First of all, as I've said it's never the twin. Secondly, the twins are un-deducible. Thirdly, you've already given the case a name. But, do you know the worst thing about all of this?"

  "No, what?"

  Sherlock's jaw clenched as his fist tightened, "She called my brother Mike!"

  "And? It's a laugh isn't it?"

  "He called her Gabriel!"

  "What's so bad about that?"

  "Can't you see, John!"


  "Ugh- The problem is, GABRIEL!"

  "I'm not seeing it."

  "G A B R I E L!!!" John stared at Sherlock in confusion as Sherlock grunted, "It's as clear as day, John."

  The confused doctor tried to think back to why that was of any relevance before shrugging and looking at his taller companion expectantly as the taxi came to a halt outside 221 Baker Street.

  "He never calls anyone he doesn't care about by their first name"

  "Oh... oh."


Gabriel sighed, her gaze on the pale-brown door the men had just exited. She rolled her eyes mumbling a quiet, "bored" before looking back at the forgotten phone in her grip, she made a silent plea for her suspicions to be wrong, it was time to test her theory.

  She entered the seven digit code, unlocking it before her eyes made a beeline to a certain app on her screen. She tapped the little button that opened the notes app, remembering an old game that her and her sister used to play on their outdated phones as teenagers, and opened the new folder that had just suddenly appeared on the application.

  She knew that if her sister had been in the hospital room, she'd leave a message and apparently she had. There in the folder was a new note, in which the contents knocked the air out of her lungs sending her heart plummeting...

  Did you miss me?

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