Welcome to Baker Street.

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(My friend -Nighttime-words -has a book with the same title as this chapter and I suggest you check it out! It's really good)
Here's a longer chapter, since you all had to wait so long -☕️xx

A day and a half had passed and Gabriel was walking... or rather hopping along Paddington Street, crutches in both hands, black backpack on her back as she hopped along the concrete pavement with agility.

It was a delightfully warm day. As always, it was a shame that no matter how sunny it was, no sun could get through the opaque white blanket of pollution that clouded over London, leaving the day grey and the atmosphere sad.

Her hair fell about her shoulders like a chocolate waterfall falling down her clothed back. She wore a soft white jumper with light blue denim jeans. To top of her outfit, as if it were an everyday essential, she had her favourite dark red lipstick upon her lips.

She turned the corner and in the distance just outside 221B on Baker Street, she saw a shiny black Mercedes, as sleek and pompous as an obnoxious black cat. She couldn't help but roll her eyes and smirk at her Boss' antics.

She made her way down Baker Street looking at the sleek black car in front of her with a knowing look painted across face. When she finally managed to walk up to the car, she knocked four times on the window, which was immediately rolled down. "Hello Andrea" Gabe said, smiling at her colleague.

"How are you Gabe?" Anthea, or rather Andrea, greeted, "Your leg took quite a breaking the other day" she chuckled with a look of faux seriousness on her face.

"I'm alright Annie. You know me. Titanium" Gabriel replied with an eye roll, "How have you been?"

"I've been rather well. Except for the fact that I'm now technically homeless."

"You're homeless but not Holmesless." Gabriel countered.

"Exactly." A comfortable eloped the two brunette women before Andrea sighed. "As much as I love talking to you Gabe, we shouldn't keep Mycroft waiting. He'll riot."

"You know him. Middle aged toddler."


"See you Andrea."

"Stay safe Gabriel!"

"Safe is my middle name!"

"No it's not- it's Roslyn."

"Shush, you." And with one last chuckle, Gabe turned around and walked up to the door of 221B Baker Street. The brunette rang the door bell twice before waiting outside for either her Godmother, her boss or her new flat mate to answer the door.


Sherlock was in a disgruntled state, sitting on his leather sofa in his silk indigo dressing gown, bored out of his mind. John was at his own house, presumably looking after his daughter, Rosamund so he didn't have much to do except for watching crap telly, which was out of the question, and waiting for his morning tea from Mrs Hudson, who wasn't his housekeeper.

With a huff, the tall, curly detective decided to wait it out, even to his dismay. The flat was cold and quiet without John there to keep the crazy man company and in his head. The only sounds that were to be heard were the traffic and life of the big city outside their house but inside you could hear a pin drop.

It had been several minute of silence and Sherlock had already had enough of the emptiness when suddenly...

"Sherlock?" Mrs Hudson called out into the silent flat. "I've got your morning tea, Dear. Didn't you hear the doorbell? Your brothers here."

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