Good with kids!

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Did ya miss me?
I won't be publishing chapters quick or often but I am back! Sorry I took so long, I started this chapter months ago and only got round to finishing today. -☕️

Gabriel ascended the stairs, as she grabbed the banisters and hopped up gracefully. At the top of the stairs, there was a door to the bedroom that was once known as John Watsons. No life had seen the bedroom for many years and the room was covered in dust.

This could work.

Gabriel walked past the sheet-less bed and opened the paper-thin curtains before coughing at the amount of dust she inhaled. The view from the window looked out upon the street below, the people enjoying their day oblivious to the watchful eyes of the brunette whom was scanning the crowd like a hawk.

  One man stood out to the woman for one reason only... he was looking back at her... and then, suddenly, he wasn't as he disappeared down the street.

  Something's off.

  She brushed it off for the time being convinced it was her imagination that made him seem like he was looking for her and continued unpacking.


  Gabe unpacked the last of her things setting them out in the room in an organised fashion... well organised chaos rather, but she decided that aesthetic wasn't on the top of her list of key priorities at the moment.

  The sound of the flat door opening and closing along with muffled voices was distinguishable amongst the heavy silence that had settled over her cozy little bedroom.

  She recognised the owners of the voices to be John and a little girl... Rosie. A smile immediately made its way to Gabriel's face for she had yet to meet the little girl. She hopped down the stairs quietly and poked her head around the doorway to see the little girl cling to her father's leg as he talked to Sherlock.

She tiptoed to the kitchen without Sherlock and John noticing but the same couldn't be said for the restless little girl who peeked her head around the corner at her before hiding again.

Gabe looked back at her as she looked around the door again with a shy smile on her little chubby face. The sound of John and Sherlock's voices were quiet and muffled but he was clearly talking about going over to, what was left of, her house.

"Hello little one," Gabe said softly with a warm smile, "my names Gabe. What's your name?" She spoke. Obviously she knew the girls name but to gain trust, you must be introduced to a person by the person themselves or while said person is present.

"Rosie. I'm Rosie" the little girl replied with a giggle.

"Beautiful name Rosie."

"Daddy said my Mummy chose it." She replied, smiling still,

"Of course she did." Gabriel sighed,

"What's the matter, Gabe?"

"I knew your mummy very well. I'd go as far as to say we were friends"

"Was she nice?" Rosie asked curiously

"No. She wasn't just nice. She was amazing, bold, determined and- ... Yes she was nice."

All of a sudden John's voice came towards them, "Rosie? What are you doing 'round there?"

"I'm talking to Gabe, Daddy!"

"Talking to wh- Oh." John stopped as he looked to the woman as she crouched to Rosie's height.

"Hi-ya!" She waved, smiling.

"Hello, Doctor Hooper."

"How many times, boys. It's Gabe."

"Yeah, Daddy! It's Gabe!" Rosie said smugly as she smiled back at her father mischievously.

"Oh. Sorry. Hello Gabe."

"Hello." All of a sudden, Sherlock's face zoomed around the door frame.

"I didn't hear you come downstairs?" he mumbled, puzzled.

"Please don't say you've forgotten about my job. I'm known for being silent."

"Oh. Right. Well anyway Gabe, me and John are going to a crime scene- specifically your house. Would you like to come with us or stay here?"

"I would come but there'd be hardly any point. The people of Scotland Yard take everything in as evidence, so I guess I'm staying- also in case my dear sister pops around while I'm out, but do tell the yard I say hi."

"Will do."

"Daddy... can I stay here with Gabe? It's cold."

"Uhm.. you might have to ask Gabe if it's ok first."

"Oh it's fine, honestly." she smiled,

"Are you sure you're able to?"

"Really, John? I'm in my thirties."

"Right. 'Course. Sorry."

"It's fine. Rosie do you want to have a tea party?"

"Yesss!" Came the enthusiastic reply of the youngster as she clapped her hands.

"See? We'll be fine! Have fun at your crime scene... or my crime scene... have fun!" John pulled Sherlock out of the kitchen and whispered to him in a hushed tone,

"I've just met this lady! How am I going to let her babysit my child!"

"She's Molly's sister, Mrs Hudson's godchild, my mother's friend's daughter, an old friend of Mary's, she works for Lestrade and god knows what she is to my brother if not just his best agent."

"She could just be his friend."

"He doesn't have friends John. My point is made. I trust her, she doesn't have any ulterior motives to harm her, she has no weapons that I know of on her and If she wanted to harm Rosie, she wouldn't be as obvious as to use a kitchen knife. She's got a reputation to withhold. Think John."

"Yeah you're right. Sorry I'm just paranoid after Mary." At that, Sherlock had a moment to look John in the face to see if there was any doubt on his features (which there was, but only  mildly) before going to grab his coat, John trailing behind him. 

  Gabe heard the door shut and grinned softly before turning to Rosie and saying softly, "So... tea party then?" the little girl giggled in delight before rushing to the cupboards to show Gabe which one held the fancy china.

Sorry if some of that didn't make sense- I might not have read it through thoroughly enough. -☕️

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