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Hello there friend! Thanks so much for clicking on my story. I do apologize, as this is a relatively short fic but I literally pumped this entire thing out in like, two days so you'll have to excuse me. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy the story because while it is short, I still put a lot of thought into it. Nothing like a good 'ol fic to distract us while the Coronavirus is causing the world as we know it to crumble around us :). Jkjk I'm just salty because it got our musical canceled.

Please enjoy my story and don't hesitate to comment or vote! I love interacting with my readers. If you like it that much, check out the rest of my profile or even drop a follow! Also, my inbox is always open if you need to shoot me a message. It can be about anything you need.

Anways, keep in mind that I do not own these characters as they belong to the franchise Good Omens.

I am not religious, so any information regarding Hell and Heaven that I couldn't find in the Good Omens universe, I pulled straight from the internet so if I say something incorrect, please say something about it.

There is a lot of cussing in here, so general heads up. This fic is also,,, not the best. Like it's okay but I'm not 100% proud of it- but I guess we'll live with that. (I am 100% proud of my newsies fic so if you're in the fandom 10/10 would reccomend going to read that haha jk unless,,)(I also have started a good omens one shot book so feel free to check that out as well) but enjoy anyways.

That's all for now!

- Your Author, SomeFormOfWriting

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